Here you can see that the supercommittee that was formed at the time of the budget crisis is doing alot more than just trying to balance budgets. They are passing legislation that should be discussed among the representatives of the people. This committee is now undeniably side stepping the democratic process the way Americans have come to understand it. Tyranny has risen!
Illegal “supercommittee” pushes secret farm bill that will cost billions
Mike AdamsNaturalNews
November 17, 2011
The concentration of elite legislative power in America is well under way today as the new “supercommittee” is working on an end-run around Congress to put together a “secret farm bill” that would prop up failed agricultural policies with yet more billions in taxpayer dollars.
Because the committee concentrates yet more power in the hands of the few, it is being heavily lobbied by various groups and industries that want more government handouts. The farming industry, of course, is lined up at the trough of government slop just like everyone else, and this secret farm bill could cost taxpayers billions of dollars in government subsidies that are tied to commodities prices (which are extremely volatile and could unexpectedly rise).
Bypassing representatives to concentrate power with the elite
What this latest move demonstrates is that the supercommittee will now be used as a way to bypass the rest of Congress with yet more bloated government spending legislation that puts America further into a debt hole that increasingly appears to be headed toward total financial collapse.
That this is all being done without open debate in Congress, and without any public scrutiny of the actions of the 535 members of Congress is yet another disturbing sign that the very fabric of power in America is being deliberately destroyed and re-concentrated into the hands of the few — the “global elite” who now consider themselves kings who rule over the slave masses.
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