As there has been an ever increasing call from the medical industries for people to receive more and more vaccines a movement has been growing to push back against these vaccines. Unless you've looked into the science vaccines seem just a normal part of a healthy life, but this is just a product of the constant reinforcement from the media. Now it is time to put aside the commercials and resident medical experts of the news (who have their pockets filled by the medical industry) and see some of the science dealing with the side effects of vaccines. It is easy to just say that a vaccine protects you from a particular disease, but what else does it do. There are massive effects to the neurological system and various other parts of the body. Stop putting unknown substances into your body. They are taking advantage of us and killing us by not acting upon this information.
Vaccines and Brain Inflammation
Harold E Buttram, MD and Catherine J Frompovich- June 1, 2011
Inflammation is a biochemical process resulting from pathogens, irritants, or damaged cells. It should not be compared to infection, although inflammation can result from infection. A cascade of biochemical events propagates and matures the inflammatory response, involving the local vascular system, the immune system, and various cells within the injured tissue. [1] [Emphasis added]Several diseases have their origin in the inflammatory process: Alzheimer’s [2], coronary artery disease [3-6], and cancer. [7-9] Other disorders with which inflammation is associated include acne vulgaris, asthma, autoimmune diseases, chronic prostatitis, glomerulonephritis, hypersensitivities, inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, reperfusion injury, rheumatoid arthritis, transplant rejection, vasculitis, interstitial cystitis. Inflammation, therefore, is well known in the etiology of disease.
Furthermore, inflammation is a protective attempt of the organism to remove harmful stimuli and is achieved by the increased movement of plasma and leukocytes (especially granulocytes) to initiate healing. [10]
Encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain, usually associated with meningitis. Some symptoms associated with encephalitis include fever, drowsiness, fatigue, and convulsions. The primary diagnostic procedure is a lumbar puncture with removal of cerebrospinal fluid for culture and microscopic analysis.
Another aspect of encephalitis known as Rasmussen’s encephalitis causes chronic inflammation with infiltration of T lymphocytes into the brain leading to atrophy and epilepsy.
Several viruses including polio, chicken pox, and West Nile are capable of causing encephalitis.
And, an allergic reaction to vaccinations [11], as per the National Institutes of Health, also can cause encephalitis with brain swelling. Encephalitis was included as one of the vaccine injuries to be compensated for under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. [12]
Vulnerabilities of the Infant Brain, Uniquely Susceptible to Lipid Peroxidation
By way of explanation, the term “lipid peroxidation” refers to lipid degradation resulting from free radical generation from a series of pro-inflammatory chain reactions, which can be very damaging if the process is prolonged. “Free-radicals” in turn refer to atoms with unpaired electrons, resulting in heightened instability and reactivity. The end result of abnormally prolonged lipid peroxidation may be abnormal brain inflammation with secondary brain edema (swelling).Of all the organs of the body, the brain is the most susceptible to oxidative degradation, commonly referred to “lipid peroxidation.” Although an infant’s brain receives 15 percent of normal cardiac output, it utilizes nearly 25 percent of the body’s oxygenation. [13] As elevated oxygen levels in the environment bring increased risk of explosions or fire, comparable physiological risks exist in the brain. In addition to being a highly oxygenated organ, the human brain has heightened vulnerability to harmful peroxidation because the brain has by far the highest fat content of any organ of the body with membrane lipids constituting 60 percent of the solid matter. [14] In addition, both brain and retina contain a relatively high percentage of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) [10-20] and arachidonic acid (ARA) that serve as a primary building block of the membranes of these structures. DHA and ARA are high in energetics, but they are far more unstable and vulnerable to pro-inflammatory peroxidation (oxidative lipid degradation) than saturated fats. [13-22]
In essence, the brain might be compared with highly inflammable dry grass or brush enclosed in an area with elevated oxygen levels, needing only a spark to set off a conflagration of inflammatory lipid peroxidation. In all likelihood, vaccine adjuvants provide this spark far more often than generally realized.
The Pourcyrous Study: A Major Milestone in Medical History
A study on primary immunization of 239 premature infants with gestational ages of less than 35 weeks by M. Pourcyrous et al. (Journal of Pediatrics, 2007) [23] was conducted to determine the incidence of cardio-respiratory events and abnormal C-Reaction Protein (CRP) elevations associated with administration of a single vaccine or multiple vaccines simultaneously at or about two months of age. The vaccines given were: DTaP (Infanrix), Hib (ActHIB), HBV (Engerix-B), IPV (Inactivated-IPOL™), and PCV7 (Prevnar).CRP is a standard blood test indicator for body inflammation, which in the present study would represent brain inflammation. CRP levels and cardio-respiratory manifestations were monitored for three days following immunizations in a neonatal intensive care unit sponsored by the University of Tennessee. Elevations of CRP levels occurred in 70 percent of the infants administered single vaccines and in 85 percent of those administered multiple vaccines, 43 percent of which reached abnormal levels.
As the Pourcyrous study noted,
A plausible explanation for variation in the magnitude of CRP responses to immunization may be attributed to viral versus bacterial antigenic stimulation, minor variability in the quantity of antigens in different vaccine lots, the multiple antigenic component of a vaccine, the presence and the quantity of aluminum adjuvant, genetic polymorphism or to decrease immunologic responses in some preterm infants. [24]Overall, 16 percent of infants had potentially lethal vaccine-associated cardio-respiratory events with episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing) and/or bradycardia (abnormal slowing of the pulse). Intraventricular (brain) hemorrhages occurred in 17 percent of those receiving single vaccines and in 24 percent of those receiving multiple vaccines.
Pourcyrous, et al. further indicated that
Other investigators also have reported on cardiorespiratory events following immunization with DTaP-based multivalent vaccines or when DTaP was given simultaneously with other vaccines. Omenaca et al. after excluding from their study infants with chronic illnesses and using only one lot of combination vaccine, observed cardiorespiratory events in 42% of infants with BW [body weight] <1000 g. [25]Furthermore, the Pourcyrous study noted that the DTaP vaccine was associated with the highest incidence of cardio-respiratory events in those infants given a single vaccine.
2. Brain swelling (edema) as one of the cardinal signs of inflammation.
3. Potentially lethal cardio-respiratory events.
4. Brain hemorrhages.
Early animal studies have shown that brain inflammation frequently ensues following vaccines and is also commonly associated with brain hemorrhages.[26-28] In term infants, in contrast to preterm births, the inner surface of the skull presents a relatively firm surface, and when brain inflammation and swelling take place from vaccines, it would require very little swelling for the outer surface of the brain to impact against the inner surface of the skull and, tourniquet-like, cut off the passive outflow of blood from the subdural venous network. With cranial arterial blood coming in at much higher pressures, this would predictably cause a precipitous rise in intra-cerebral venous pressure, the true cause of many subdural hemorrhages.
According to a report by W. Squier and J. Mack (2009) [29], most childhood subdural hemorrhages are identified in infants 0-4 months of age, a time when the subdural compartment consists of 10-15 layers of loosely arranged flake-like cells with fluid between them and few intercellular junctions. [30] Under these highly permeable conditions it is predictable that a rapid surge of intracerebral venous pressure would force blood from the subdural venous network into these loosely connected subdural membranes, the true cause of many subdural hemorrhages now being erroneously attributed to Shaken Baby Syndrome/Non-Accidental Injury.
Proinflammatory Vaccine Adjuvants
Adjuvants Defined
Vaccine adjuvants are substances added to vaccine formulations during the manufacturing process that are designed to boost and prolong the overall immunological responses to vaccines. This results in a priming of the brain’s immune cells, the microglia and astrocytes, followed by intense microglial and astrocyte reactions with each successive series of vaccination. As reviewed by Viera Scheibner, PhD, there are three general classes of adjuvants:2. Various oils including Freund’s emulsified oil, mineral oil, emulsified peanut oil (adjuvant 65), and squalene (shark oil),
3. Bacterial products including Bordettella pertussis (whooping cough), Mycobacterium (tuberculosis), cholera toxin, and others. [31] Adjuvants in various vaccines are listed on vaccine package inserts. [32]
In explanation, microglia and astrocytes are first-line immunological responder cells located in the brain that defend against foreign infectious invaders. Normally this response, such as to a viral infection, is of limited duration and harmless to the brain. However, when microglia and astrocytes are over-stimulated for prolonged periods, which vaccine adjuvants are designed to bring about, this extended activation can be very destructive to the brain causing inflammation and/or bleeding.
Because of the critical dependence of the developing brain on a timed sequence of cytokine, and excitatory amino acid fluctuations, according to Blaylock, sequential vaccinations can result in alterations of this critical process that will not only result in synaptic and dendritic loss, but abnormal (nerve) pathway development.
When microglia are excessively activated by vaccines, especially chronically, they secrete a number of proinflammatory cytokines, free radicals, lipid peroxidation products, and the two excitotoxins, glutamate and quinolenic acid, which may become proinflammatory and highly destructive when activated for prolonged periods.[33] [Emphasis added]This process was suggested as the principle mechanism resulting in the pathological as well as clinical features of autism.
As a potential connecting link between vaccines, brain inflammation, and autism, Diana Vargas and colleagues (2005) [36] examined the brains from autopsies of 11 autistic patients ranging in ages from 5 to 44 years, in which they found the presence of extensively activated microglia and astrocytes (the brain’s immune cells) along with proinflammatory cytokines.
Normally dormant, the microglia and astrocytes can become very destructive when overstimulated for prolonged periods of time, which vaccine adjuvants are designed to bring about. As with the Pourcyrous study, it was the first study of its kind, clearly documenting a significant association between autism and brain inflammation.
For many years two forms of aluminum, aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate, were the only compounds specifically authorized by the FDA to be used as vaccine adjuvants. These virtually insoluble aluminum compounds serve to dramatically boost and prolong the immune reaction to the vaccination by prolonged activation of the macrophagic immune sub-system in some people. [33-45] Currently four forms are used in vaccines according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Because vaccine adjuvants are designed to produce prolonged immune stimulation, they pose a particular hazard for the nervous system. Studies have shown that immune activation following vaccination can last up to two years, which means that destructive over-stimulation of microglia may also be primed for this length of time or even longer. In addition, it is known that aluminum accumulates in the brain and that this accumulation is associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and with Gulf War Syndrome. [43-45]
As pointed out by L Tomljenjovic and CA Shaw:
“Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s medical understanding of their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted.” [66]Experimental research, in contrast, clearly shows that aluminum in adjuvant form…carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and subsequent neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health complications. [66]
Unlabeled Peanut Oil
In a newly released book, The History of the Peanut Allergy Epidemic [46], Heather Fraser thoroughly documents how highly allergenic peanut oil came to be used in vaccinations without being listed on the package insert. With her background as a historian and mother of a child that required repeated hospitalizations for severe peanut allergy, Ms. Fraser wrote from personal knowledge and experience.The first use of peanut oil in vaccines was reported in 1964 by The New York Times, which announced that pharmaceutical giant Merck had begun to use a new vaccine ingredient that promised to extend immunity against influenza, polio, and other illnesses. [47] When injected into the muscle, the oil was gradually metabolized by the body providing a sustained release of the other ingredients and producing 13-fold higher levels of antibodies than had formerly taken place from aqueous vaccine formulations. [48]
In the 1970s and 1980s, following modifications of the original adjuvant 65-4, the use of peanut oil in vaccines became common practice. [49-51]
As tabulated by Heather Fraser, it was during this time period that the incidence of peanut allergies began to rise in exponential proportions, as did the incidence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome. [51]
Toxic Environmental Chemicals and the Work of Rachel Carson
In the 1960s Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring sent a shudder through our nation’s spine as she quietly warned of growing environmental havoc brought about by our advancing technology, largely involving hundreds of petrochemical-derived products (pesticides, etc.), which are fat-soluble and therefore of foremost danger to the brain and nervous system. Although there has been some recognition of the dangers from these chemicals, there appears to be little awareness that toxic environmental chemicals of commercial origin may be replacing infectious microorganisms as the primary threat to human health and life on this planet. [52] One research area in which these dangers are being graphically demonstrated is in animal studies reporting losses of cerebellar neurons and Purkinje cells resulting from alcohol and/or OXR-saporin administration. [53-55]Vitamin C and Cardiovascular Disease
As reported by TE Levy in “Vitamin C and Cardiovascular Disease” (Townsend Letter, 2011) [56], the author makes the case that atherosclerotic coronary artery disease begins with severe depletion of vitamin C in the intima (connective tissue and collagen) of the coronary arterial wall. In the degenerative state of atherosclerosis, there is always a loss of the gel-like nature of the arterial basement membrane.As described by Levy:
“The proliferative state of atherosclerosis comprises the longest or most extended phase of plaque development. Once the basement membrane has lost its gel-like nature, the endothelial cell layer has become more porous, and the sieve-like nature of its collagen mesh has lost much of its integrity, there is a steady invasion of blood solutes like calcium, lipids, fats, and even pathogenic microbes with their associated toxins. Such microbes often, but not invariably, originate from dental foci.”If the above information is applied to the area of brain inflammation, with pro-inflammatory vaccine adjuvants rapidly depleting vitamin C, which is already marginal in a large portion of our society [57], we have a ready explanation for the 70 percent elevations of C-Reactive Protein with single vaccines and 85 percent elevations with multiple vaccines. For these reasons the Pourcyrous study will remain incomplete until plasma vitamin C levels are also tested following vaccines as a part of the study.
As the Pourcyrous study points out, cardio-respiratory events occurred within 48 hours in preterm infants vaccinated while in hospital, indicating that there were no Shaken Baby Syndrome nor Non-Accidental Injury incidents that could influence those cardio-respiratory events, which parents apparently also can experience at home after children are vaccinated and for which they seek hospital emergency room treatment for their child.
Vaccines, Vitamin C Depletion, Brain Inflammation, and the Current Epidemic of Childhood Autism
As described above, it is well established that chronic tissue inflammation tends to be associated with tissue destruction and/or malignant degeneration. The section on cardiovascular disease by TE Levy showing a correlation between tissue degradation of coronary arteries and vitamin C depletion provides a major advancement in our understanding that has long been stressed by earlier pioneers in this field. Although scientific research into the potential therapeutic role of vitamin C for degenerative diseases remains in its infancy, some things are already known including studies showing that hydroxylation (oxidation) of proline and lysine into procollagen is carried out by the enzyme prolyl hydroxylase, which requires vitamin C as a cofactor. [59-60]Although lacking in meaningful NIH-sponsored vaccine safety tests to date, there is a substantial body of circumstantial evidence that vaccines are causally related to the current childhood autism epidemic, the sum total of which shifts the balance into “more likely than not within a reasonable degree of medical certainty.”
- Several autism-free zones exist in the United States in what is otherwise a sea of childhood autism. Most prominent among these are Amish communities in Pennsylvania and Ohio where parents rarely vaccinate their children. The only exceptions were several vaccinated children that were adopted. [61]
- “Analysis finds Evidence of Autism in Many Vaccine Injury Cases” [62] For years, government health officials and most other medical authorities have dismissed the idea that autism might be linked to childhood vaccines; and the special court set up by Congress to compensate people hurt by vaccines has denied thousands of claims over the past decade by parents who have contended that their children developed autism because of their inoculations. But a new report in a New York law school journal, the Pace Environmental Law Review, [67] could re-ignite the often-inflammatory debate over the issue. Based on a sampling of cases in which plaintiffs won settlements or awards in vaccine court, the authors found that many of the victims demonstrated evidence of autism even though—as a legal tactic—their lawsuits emphasized other injuries. Of the 170 cases the report’s authors examined, 32, or 19 percent, provided documented evidence of autism or autism-like symptoms. The evidence in some included that the court found evidence of autism or “autism-like symptoms”… or that third-party medical, educational, or other court records confirmed an autistic disorder.
- Fox Morning News, 11 May, 2011, 8:27AM: (Fox25/ Congress will hold hearings Thursday about a possible link between childhood autism and vaccination—a thought that many thought had been put to rest earlier this year when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study suggesting that research does not point to an association between the two. But according to information discovered in documents by, at least 83 families received federal compensation for vaccine-related injuries, and each of these 83 children suffered from autism.
- Few are aware of the fact that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines were administered separately for a number of years in the USA with only slight increases in the incidence of childhood autism prior to the introduction of the MMF vaccine in 1979. It was only following the introduction of this triple vaccine that the incidence of childhood autism showed a sharp and dramatic increase. [63-64]
Gross Deficiencies in State-of-the-Art Vaccine Safety Tests
During the Congressional Hearings on Vaccine Safety (1999-Dec. 2004) an FDA panel was repeatedly asked, “Where are your (safety) studies?” The panel could only reply with unsatisfactory answers such as, “They would be very expensive.” However, it was not until January 14, 2009 that it became evident that the avoidance of meaningful vaccine safety studies has long been an established policy by the National Institute of Health, the primary federal agency responsible for funding health research in the United States, as reported by the autistic support group, Age of Autism:Based on these revelations, the claims of health authorities that there is no proof of a relationship between vaccines and autism has been technically correct, but this is only because the tests which could prove such a relationship have been systematically and knowingly avoided by the NIH and other government health agencies over a period of many years, which is confirmed by the above declaration by the National Autism Association.January 17, 2009“Washington, DC – In an unprecedented move on Wednesday, Jan. 14th, the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) removed previously approved vaccine safety research from the Strategic Plan for Autism Research objectives. With apparent backing from the CDC representation, committee chair and HIMH director Tom Insel implied that vaccine research conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would constitute a conflict given the involvement of Health and Human Services with ongoing autism cases filed in the federal vaccine court. The committee’s action is in direct opposition to the majority of its public members who support vaccine research, and to the Congressional directive of the Combating Autism Act of 2006 (CAA) which specifically called for research into potential links between vaccines, vaccine components, and the autism spectrum disorder.
National Autism Association on IACC Removal of
Vaccine Safety Research, A Press Release from
The National Autism Association:
“ ‘In addition to the CAA’s mandate for vaccine research, the legislation specifically called for the establishment of key research activities to arrive from meaningful public involvement and advice through the IACC which includes both government and private representatives.
“ ‘Ignoring the Congressional mandate for investigation to links between vaccines and the development of autism is a slap in the face to both Congress and the citizens of this country’, said National Autism Association board chair and parent Lori Mellwain. ‘Even the most basic studies comparing health outcomes of vaccinated vs nonvaccinated populations are consistently ignored despite the increasing support for them from legislatures, physicians, and parents.’
“ ‘Dr. Insel’s observation that the NIH is incapable of conducting conflict-free research supports what a growing number of parents believe,’ commented Ms. Mellwain. ‘While the motivation for refusing to allow this critical research to go forward is likely more related to fear of what such studies would reveal, it is clear that the system managing our vaccine program is corrupt beyond repair and needs a complete overhaul.’” [58]
However, since the U.S. Congressional Hearings on Vaccine Safety, 1999-December, 2004, which found gross deficiencies in vaccine safety testing, steadily increasing numbers of highly reputable studies have been appearing in the medical literature indicating that significant harm may be taking place from current childhood vaccine programs. The Pourcyrous study cited above [1] is offered as a prime example.
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