Think tanks are the source of a large part of the policy and research which our politicians rely on to govern throughout the world. These think tanks only hold allegiance to themselves and their mission or the big money which created them. In a sense they are a layer of a secret government which rules over all of us. Essentially the whole world is run by various think tanks and foundations. RAND Corporation is one of the most instrumental think tanks in America. Until you do your research into foundations and think tanks you can't begin to understand the far reaching power and influence which these entities yield. RAND Corporation has been connect with the big foundations in America. In the 1950's these foundations (Reese Committee) were found to be attempting to mold America into Soviet style system. RAND has continued in the tradition of trying to control Americans thoughts and mold our system for their own purposes.
Alex Abella: Inside The RAND Corporation
Cuban-born journalist and author Alex Abella was allowed exclusive access inside the RAND Corporation to view their archives. What he discovered was a plot driven by mad scientists, behaviorists, and generals who were intent on starting world war three and fleecing the American people in the process. Once he was a skeptic on the subject of conspiracy theories and the new world order, but after his work with the RAND Corporation he is now convinced that this top secret think tank has been pulling the strings of American government for at least 60 years.
"We're all the bastard children of RAND and we don't even know it," remarks Abella, as he charts how RAND started off as an organization centered around building new weapons for the military but ultimately expanded into politics, science, history and economics and was closely allied with the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. RAND's decision in the 50's to re-model the globe towards a new world order changed everything, with the development of "rational choice theory," which turned people from being citizens into consumers, as rights and responsibilities were replaced with choices and people's lives slowly came to be dominated not by integrity or what they stood for, but by what they spent their money on.
RAND's ultimate goal was to have technocrats running every aspect of society in pursuit of a one world government that would be administered under "the rule of reason," a ruthless world where efficiency was king and men were little more than machines, which is why RAND studied the social sciences because they were at a loss to work out how to deal with people and how human beings did not always act in their own predictable self-interests. There is no place for love, empathy or selflessness in the new world order that RAND and the Ford Foundation are working to create, and patriotism and altruism are adversarial to their aims.
Abella explains how RAND was instrumental in developing the strategy behind the use of nuclear weapons, and how they actively promoting nuking the entirety of Eastern Europe as well as China in case of problems in Western Europe, a policy that could easily have sparked off a catastrophic nuclear holocaust. RAND researchers believed that as long as 10 million Americans survived a nuclear war, the war was won.
Abella notes how RAND saw the United Nations as a template for one world government but that a new organization controlled by the U.S. would eventually supersede the UN and become the de facto world government, which is why RAND researchers such as John Williams advocated pre-emptive nuclear strikes on the Soviet Union, to make sure the United States would be the only country with the supreme power to impose its will on the rest of the world.