NaturalNews exposes secret vaccine industry ties and military involvement with Institute of Medicine, reveals fatal conflicts of interest at IoM
The Institute of Medicine is supposed to be an unbiased source of medical information to improve health. This article (read the entirety of the article) shows that the funding of the IoM comes from biased sources. The involvement of military and weapons manufacturing brings in dangerous possibilities of the intent of such IoM policy recommendations. If the military and weapons manufactures are involved then there must be an aspect of weaponization involved.
NaturalNews exposes secret vaccine industry ties and military involvement with Institute of Medicine, reveals fatal conflicts of interest at IoM
(NaturalNews) The Institute of Medicine is suddenly in the news following the release of its vaccine "adverse events" research which found that MMR vaccines actually cause measles, seizures and anaphylactic shock. The old media predictably distorted the story and used it to deceptively announce that "vaccines are not linked to autism!"
In falsely reporting this study from the IoM, however, the old media reporters never bothered to even read the adverse reactions report. Nor did they ask a few simple questions such as "Who is funding the Institute of Medicine? And what is the agenda of the IoM?"
Today, NaturalNews publishes a stunning story about the IoM which reveals this government-created non-profit to be a key player in the military medical complex involving a shady network of weapons manufacturers, the Department of Homeland Security, top pharmaceutical companies and population control globalists such as Bill Gates. Here, we expose who's giving the IoM money and why the actual sources of funding behind the IoM destroy any credibility it once claimed to have on the subject of public health.
We've already published the first honest assessment of the IoM's report in a news item posted yesterday:
That story takes an honest investigative look at the IoM and what its report really says. The old "dinosaur" media, as usual, has predictably twisted this story around and falsely claimed that it gives vaccines a clean bill of health. Only NaturalNews (and other alternative media organizations) dares tell the truth while questioning the IoM's financial ties and funding sources. The entire mainstream media blindly accepts the IoM's "authority" as beyond reproach, neglecting to conduct basic journalism and follow the money as NaturalNews is doing.
By the way, you can view the IoM's full report for yourself at:
Why does the truth about the Institute of Medicine really matter?
Because the IoM is positioned by the federal government as an independent, "prestigious" organization whose decisions are based on scientific facts. When the U.S. government rolls out its upcoming mandatory vaccination requirements, it will cite the Institute of Medicine as the source that said vaccines were safe (even though that's a lie).The FDA, for example, cites the Institute of Medicine is setting its own vaccine policies ( The USDA also turns to the IoM for its recommendations on things like school lunch programs (
Even more to the point, President Obama's recent demand that health insurance companies pay for birth control medication was based on the Institute of Medicine's recommendation ( It was the IoM that put forth the guidelines to "require new health insurance plans to cover women’s preventive services" including "FDA-approved contraception methods and contraceptive counseling."
Even the CDC commissioned the IoM to study the control of viral hepatitis infections, after which the CDC quickly advised that all infants should be injected with multiple hepatitis vaccines " soon as they are stable and washed." In this same set of recommendations, the IoM advised that students who are not vaccinated against hepatitis B should not be allowed to attend school. (
The IoM, in other words, is the go-to organization for the setting of government health policy. Never mind the fact that the IoM is two-thirds funded by government itself and also takes money from the world's top vaccine manufacturers. The conflicts of interest within the IoM are not merely notable, but severe conflicts of interest. They are so prominent, in fact, that no person in their right mind should believe a word the IoM says about vaccines, yet both the government and the mainstream media is positioning the IoM as (somehow) being a trustworthy independent non-profit that tells the truth about vaccines.
Even the Washington Legal Foundation (, a group that advocates free choice in health care (and personal freedom in general), charged that the FDA could not legally accept recommendations from the Institute of Medicine because the committee members put forth by the IoM did not meet the lawful requirement of being "fairly balanced."
"Using advice from a committee that lacks fair balance encroaches upon Congress' mandate that each Advisory Committee should be representative of a broad range of viewpoints and should include affected individuals," said WLF Chief Counsel Richard Samp after filing WLF's Citizen Petition. (
This is where the danger really lies. Everybody else in government listens to the IoM and usually adopts its recommendations as public health policy. And yet the IoM is actually run and financed by a complex network of globalists and vaccine promoters, as you'll see below.
Because of the IoM's unchallenged influence in setting public health policy, we are all being set up for a military-run mass vaccination campaign funded in part by the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, and relying on vaccine-tracking information technology from companies like Northrup Grumman, a weapons manufacturer with a history of illegal international arms trafficking. (More details below.)
This is what vaccines have become in America today: A military agenda against the People. And the IoM sits at the hub of influence for this diabolical command center. This is all explained in more detail in the rest of this story, as well as in upcoming stories about the IoM slated for publication here on NaturalNews.
Please share this story far and wide so that your friends and colleagues can learn the truth about the IoM and where its money really comes from.
I wish to thank the NaturalNews Facebook fans who conducted much of this research to help us find the truth behind the Institute of Medicine (
The IoM's secret ties to the military and weapons manufacturers
The Institute of Medicine was created by Congress in 1970. On its website, the IoM claims "we do not receive direct federal funding for our work," which as you will soon see is a highly misleading statement, given that 64.9% of the IoM's funds actually come from the federal government.NaturalNews learned that the IoM is funded by the Who's Who of the most evil corporations, non-profits and government organizations involved in things like secret medical experiments on humans, global population control agendas, the spread of degenerative disease, international arms trafficking and crimes against humanity (see list below).
The IoM is also blatantly deceptive about where its funding comes from. While its website claims it does not receive federal funding for its work, an investigation by Senator Coburn's office reveals that 55% of the IOM's funding comes from the government ( This number varies year to year, of course, and we've found documentation showing this number to be as high as 64.9%.