We have come to a time in world history where the tides of government are changing. At one time the peoples of the world recognized that there was a need for proper representation of the citizenry. It was once understood that those who wield the most power in the systems of government had to be elected by the people that they reign over. The situation has changed. Governments on both sides of the Atlantic are moving towards a system of bureaucrats instead of elected officials. The bureaucrats are gaining the power to interpret law as they see fit. The problem here is that they are not elected by the people, and therefore can not be held accountable directly in any election process. This is the Soviet system, to be ruled by bureaucratic councils. Congratulations to this British MEP for pointing out this problem in the EU. The cap and trade legislation and health care bills in the US are filled with language which appoints bureaucrats to interpret the law. The problem is our elected representatives should be the only one with the right to define the parameters of any law. We face the same dangerous as the rest of the world. Also note that strong dissension apparently is not approved west or (as we can see here) east of the Atlantic. That is exactly what Mr. Farage was elected to do, as our representatives here. Why do so many laws pass day to day with pathetic or no dissension? The wheels of government are supposed to be slow to save the people from the power hungry.
An astounding exchange took place in the European Union Parliament earlier this week when MEP Nigel Farage was reprimanded for daring to expose the fact that the EU is an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by unelected bureaucrats to the detriment of national sovereignty. Farage effectively broke a tyrannical 1999 law that states it is illegal to criticize the EU.
People like European Commission President Manuel Barroso squirmed and scowled as Farage openly savaged EU elitists for their lies and cronyism.
Farage wasted no time in going after the EU over their dictatorial policies, stating, “It’s taken you eight and a half years of bullying, of lying, of ignoring democratic referendums to get this treaty through (referring to the Lisbon Treaty)”.
Farage then attacked the appointment of Van Rompuy as the first EU President, highlighting that he was merely a pliable front man for Barroso.
“But at least he’s an elected politician unlike Baroness Ashton,” said Farage, referring to the woman who landed the job of High Representative for Foreign Affairs.
“In some ways she’s ideal isn’t she ,” said Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party. “She has never had a proper job, and has never been elected to anything in her life, so I guess she’s perfect for this European Union.”
As soon as Farage hit his stride in revealing the dictatorial nature of the EU, he was immediately reprimanded by President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, who said he would like to “put down” Farage and later warned him for the “tone” Mr. Farage used in criticizing”important EU people”.
As we have seen in the past, the EU is very sensitive about anyone discussing the fact that they represent a dictatorial body.
The Nazis killed people who spoke out against the Third Reich, whereas the EU has implemented an altogether more efficient solution – simply kill their free speech instead.
Earlier this year, a Dutch MP was refused entry to Britain because his political opinions were deemed offensive under EU laws. Euro MP’s have consistently attempted to ban the “dangerous and unregulated blogosphere” in an attempt to shut down free speech on the Internet. Under the 1999 ruling of the European Court Of Justice (case 274/99), it is illegal to criticize the EU and the EU is on a mission to outlaw any national political parties that do not pander to the European federal superstate agenda.
Farage continued by highlighting the fact that Ashton represented the EU’s agenda in a “post-democratic age,” where people are selected by the elite for high power positions rather than elected by the people.
“She married well, she married an advisor and a friend and a supporter of Tony Blair and got put in the House of Lords, when she was put in the House of Lords she was given one big job, and the job was to get the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords, and to do so pretending that it was entirely different to the EU Constitution…and she vigorously crushed any attempt in the House of Lords for the British people to have a referendum,” said Farage at which point EU bureaucrats, upset that their tyranny was being openly discussed in the EU Parliament, began attempting to silence Farage by shouting and clapping, as Barroso looked visibly shaken.
Farage responded to one heckler by stating, “Well at least I’ve been elected sir, unlike her, she’s not been elected and the people don’t have the power to remove her.”
As EU bureaucrats continued to heckle Farage, he explained how Ashton had taken large donations from a prominent member of the Communist Party in Great Britain in her role as Treasurer for the CND, demanding answers on why she had taken money from someone who represented an organization staunchly opposed to western democracy.
“Did she take money from enemies of the west, that question must be answered,” stated Farage.
Farage then accused MEP’s of “betraying their national democracies” in allowing Lisbon to pass and warned that an avalanche of new laws would follow, before calling for a national referendum in the UK to decide whether Britain should leave the EU. The camera then cut back to Barroso who looked like he was fuming at the fact that someone had dared stand up to the almighty European Union and expose their authoritarian and dictatorial nature.
After Buzek warned him again over “certain expressions” he was using, Farage attempted to find out what he had said that was so offensive, before a Socialist MEP babbled out some barely comprehensible globalist rhetoric in a lame attempt to counter Farage’s incisive speech.
“With respect I think you’ve completely missed the point,” responded Farage, “Because twice you said ‘the people that were elected last week’ – they have not been elected, that is the point that I am making and in the case of Baroness Ashton she has never been elected to public office in her entire life, she takes an enormously powerful job and the peoples of Europe do not have the power to hold her to account and to remove her and that fundamentally is what is wrong with this whole European Union, it’s all about bureaucracy versus democracy.”
The foundations for the EU and ultimately the Euro single currency were laid by the secretive Bilderberg Group in the mid-1950’s. Bilderberg’s owned leaked documents prove that the agenda to create a European common market and a single currency were formulated by Bilderberg in 1955. One of the group’s principle founders was H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi SS officer.
But the ideological framework for the European Union goes back even further, to the 1940’s when top Nazi economists and academics outlined the plan for a single European economic community, an agenda that was duly followed after the end of the second world war.
As we have highlighted in the past, Nazism and the EU have some very disturbing parallels. Indeed, the two are fundamentally intertwined and the origins of the EU can be traced directly back to the Nazis.
The fact that the EU was a brainchild of top Nazi economists and industrialists, formulated as a means of preserving dictatorial power and then implemented by a former Nazi working under the auspices of the Bilderberg Group in 1955, proves that the entire European Union system is poisoned with a legacy and a raison d’être of totalitarianism.
This is becoming increasingly obvious in the 21st century as popular social movements across Europe rise up to oppose the blatant power grab being undertaken by the EU via the Lisbon Treaty, which was forced through in Ireland earlier this year despite the population having already rejected it in a previous national referendum.
Just like Hitler repeatedly polled Germans of the 1930’s until he could intimidate them into delivering the result he wanted, the European Union has followed the same method. The ratification of the Lisbon Treaty was what enabled the EU to create the post of a European President in the first place, and there seems little doubt that Van Rompuy and Ashton will do everything in their power to accelerate the move towards Bilderberg’s ultimate goal – a dictatorial European federal superstate that completely swallows up what tattered shreds of sovereignty member states have left.
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on Saturday, November 28
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-Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World
-Plato's writings
-Political Ponerology
-The Anglo American Establishment
-The Coming Battle
-The Republic
-The Technological Society
-Tragedy and Hope
-United Nations Global Straight Jacket
The seeker of truth will always come against many who will attempt to propagate disinformation. Disinformation is an attempt to give you real facts in a twisted misleading way while surrounding it with utter lies. These are the traps laid out for those on that journey. This being the case, many article or web sites posted or referred to within may be on web sites that are meant to spread disinformation.
The Editor in no way supports the views of most New Age beliefs that include things such as: an alien agenda past or present, reptilians, 2012 salvation/destruction, channeling, global warming/cooling........
*Note on the Occult: You may notice references to ideas within the realm of the occult. I do not support the practicing of occult meditations and magic, but there is a pure knowledge that is hidden within these philosophies. As with all higher knowledge, the higher you climb the more dangerous are the pitfalls. So please enter these truths with caution and only after acquiring an open mind and ample knowledge of the world.
The road of truth is littered with the bodies of those who have been enchanted by the sounds of the Siren's song.