As I just said. We need to stand up! They have the guns but we have the numbers!
Congratulations to We Are Change Chicago! We can stand up and be heard. They have the guns but we have the numbers.
Here is a video I found outlining what the whole scandal is all about. It outlines numerous instances of changing, manipulating, and omitting of data. Worst of all it shows a desire to manipulating and pressuring skeptics to adhere to their theories. If this is not stopped the political world will act upon this and change the life for every single human on this planet. The game is power, control, tyranny in the name of mother earth.
The affects of fluoride are many. Why are we give so much when the ill affects are so many?
*See links below for more of the problems with fluoride.
Study Links Fluoride to Premature Births
New York — November 12, 2009 — State University of New York (SUNY) researchers found more premature births in fluoridated than non-fluoridated upstate New York communities, according to a presentation made at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting on November 9, 2009 in Philadelphia.
Fluoridation is the addition of fluoride chemicals into public water supplies ostensibly to prevent tooth decay.
Many groups oppose fluoridation because of its scientifically-documented health risks.
Human pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks or just more than 9 months. A baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered a preterm (or premature) birth. About 12 percent of US pregnancies are preterm and this is one of the top causes of infant death in the US, according to the US National Institutes of Health.
The SUNY researchers used 1993-2002 data from the NY Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS), which collects patient characteristics, diagnoses, treatments, services and charges for every hospital discharge, ambulatory surgery patient and emergency department admission in New York State. They recorded fluoridation residence status (under or over 1 milligram fluoride per Liter of water) and adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, neighborhood poverty level, hypertension and diabetes.
“Domestic water fluoridation was associated with an increased risk of PTB [preterm birth]. This relationship was most pronounced among women in the lowest SES [socio-economic-status] groups (>10% poverty) and those of non-white racial origin,” write Rachel Hart, et al. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, SUNY School of Public Health.
Previous published research by others has shown that fluoride can interfere with the reproductive system.
“It would be wise to follow the lead of the 7,000 Environmental Protection Agency scientists and public health professionals who asked Congress to place a moratorium on fluoridation until definitive studies are conducted to prove fluoridation is safe for every human consuming it,” says attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. “Clearly fluoridation is not safe for everyone,” says Beeber.
At the request of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a National Research Council (NRC) panel of experts reviewed current fluoride toxicology. In 2006 they concluded that the maximum amount of fluoride allowed in drinking water is too high to be protective of health. At least three NRC panel members believe water fluoride levels should be as close to zero as possible. The EPA has yet to perform a fluoride risk assessment based on the NRC’s findings leaving millions of Americans at risk of fluoride’s adverse health effects.
According to Dr. Bill Hirzy, Chair of American University’s Chemistry Department and former EPA scientist from 1981 to 2008, the EPA fears “setting a maximum contaminant level goal of zero because that would mean the EPA is going to be responsible for the end of the water fluoridation program. EPA knows that there will be enormous political flak for doing that.”
Dr. Paul Connett Talk - Time to Stop Fluoridating Our Water?
Irish Independent: Fluoride in our water: are we brushing with danger? *
50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation by Dr. Paul Connett - presented to the Irish Government *
1945 human experiment predicts current Fluoride ill effects *
Fluoridated water - a drink more toxic than lead
British Medical Journal: Fluoridation Not Proved Safe or Effective
Tools of Eugenics: Fluoride *
Mass Medication of Ireland (Video Clip) *
Will big brother always like your answer or are you just perfect?
Posted by Ryan in big brother, privacy
Do we not understand the importance of privacy any more. We need to guard it (especially now) because lack of privacy welcomes discrimination. Eventually judgments will be passed on those things that will make you different from others. When this kind of information is given up to government or authorities eventually pressure to be within the parameters of acceptable will come along.
*Check out the links at the bottom to see the trend*
Big Brother quiz for new school parents: Officials launch 83-point probe into families’ lives
By Steve Doughty
It asks whether their children tell lies or bully others, and if they steal at home or from shops.
Parents are questioned over whether they have friends, if they can speak freely with others in their family and how well they did at school themselves.
The form also delves into family routines, questioning whether they eat takeaways and if the children drink water with their meals.
Thousands of families in Lincolnshire were sent the forms as part of trials of a ‘Healthy Child Programme’ being developed in Whitehall.
The Department of Health wants all families in England and Wales to fill in similar forms.
The information will be held indefinitely on NHS databases for the use of health workers. Planners want new forms submitted each year to build up a detailed picture of the family and their children’s development.
Children themselves will fill in questionnaires when they become old enough.
The aim is to ‘enhance children’s life chances’ but critics warned of unprecedented intrusion into family life and the growth of a major new state database.
Parents have been told the information is ‘confidential’ but it will be available to health workers who will decide whether families should be approached by health visitors offering ’support’.
It will also be used to identify districts with widespread health and social problems so officials can plan and target health campaigns.
There is no legal compulsion to fill in the School Entry Wellbeing Review forms, but parents who do not are likely to be visited by community nurses charged with identifying vulnerable families.
Dylan Sharpe of the Big Brother Watch pressure group said: ‘This is incredibly intrusive and asks questions which, quite frankly, Lincolnshire Community Health Services do not need to know and have no right knowing.
‘Even worse, the NHS Trust has failed to make it clear that this is a voluntary questionnaire. I would advise any parent receiving this to stick it straight in the bin.’
Jill Kirby of the centre-right think tank Centre for Policy Studies said: ‘This is badly wrong for a number of reasons.
‘Parents are not told how the information will be used, nor that they can refuse to give it and it will create worry and suspicion among many families.
Full article
Beware of the lurking eyes of the social services *
Homes could be invaded by health and safety inspectors checking that parents are keeping their children safe *
The rights of families are being destroyed by the Government
Times: Question a doctor and lose your child - side effect don’t exist any more *
Nurse sacked and accused of abuse for smacking her son at home
Telegraph: ‘Evil destruction’ of a happy family*
24 hour cctv surveillance of so-called Shameless families*
Obama resurrects the not so nice UN’s ‘rights’ of the child *
Why do my son’s books tell him all men are useless? *
Millions Of British Children Asked Intimate Questions For Dangerous Psychological Database *
Constant Conflict - Source: U.S. Military - Attack On Human Culture *
Nothing To Hide - Part 1 - Privacy Protects From Tyranny *
The Scientific Outlook - Part 7 - Freedom and Equality in a Scientific Society
Impact of Science on Society - Part 4 - Mass Psychology and Education
The information here should not only be singled out here for women. Men put many harmful hygiene products on our bodies everyday as well. In this day and age the list of the products men use are getting longer by the year. In most cases we are being given chemical waste products that would cost too much to just discard. Not all these toxins fall into this category, so what is the real purpose.......
Revealed… the 515 chemicals women put on their bodies every day
By Maureen Rice
In fact, according to a new report, most of our favourite cosmetics are cocktails of industrially produced and potentially dangerous chemicals that could damage our health and, in some cases, rather than delivering on their potent ‘anti-ageing’ promise, are causing us to age faster.
Research by Bionsen, a natural deodorant company, found that the average woman’s daily grooming and make-up routine means she ‘hosts’ a staggering 515 different synthetic chemicals on her body every single day.
Many of those are also used in products such as household cleaners, and have been linked to a number of health problems from allergies and skin sensitivity to more serious hormonal disturbances, fertility problems and even cancer.
Parabens, for example, which are designed to preserve the shelf-life of your cosmetics, are one of the most widely used preservatives in the world, and are found in shampoos, hair gels, shaving gels and body lotions. But their use is becoming increasingly controversial - a range of different studies has linked them to serious health problems including breast cancer, as well as fertility issues in men.
Research from the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine suggests that some parabens we had previously presumed to be safe, such as Methylparaben, may mutate and become toxic when exposed to sunlight, causing premature skin ageing and an increased risk of skin cancer.
Methylparabens are found in more than 16,000 products, including moisturisers and toothpastes. Cosmetic producers have always defended their use of parabens on the grounds that they can’t be absorbed into the body.
But many leading researchers disagree, including Dr Barbara Olioso, an independent professional chemist, who says: ‘Research shows that between 20 and 60 per cent of parabens may be absorbed into the body.’
And even if the relatively small amounts in individual products don’t hurt us, there is growing concern over the number of products women use daily, and the cumulative effect of so many chemicals being used all over our bodies every day, for many years.
As Charlotte Smith, spokesperson for Bionsen, says: ‘Women have never been more image-conscious and their beauty regimes have changed over the years, from a simple “wash & go” attitude, to daily fake-tan applications, regular manicures, false lashes and hair extensions.
‘Lots of the high-tech, new generation cosmetics and beauty “wonder” treatments naturally contain more chemicals to achieve even better results, which, of course, means women apply more chemicals than ever before.’
If you want to protect yourself from chemical overload, reduce your overall cosmetics usage; switch to natural or organic products, and read the labels on your beauty and grooming products with care.
Full article
Revealing 1929 Magazine Article By Lord Birkenhead - NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN
Posted by Ryan in alan watt
By Alan Watt (Copyrighted exempting literary quotes)
Today, people are so overwhelmed with the amount of information and disinformation and just sheer data. They don’t know what to make of it all. They often end up in a bigger confusion than the one they started with, chasing rainbows, false leads and trying to make sense.The human mind, each individual has a logic which depends upon incoming data
When you can understand this concept, you can also interfere with it if you have power. You can encourage each individual at the bottom level to be completely concerned with their immediate environment. –Their little area. –Their homes, their area, the people around them, their town. Everything they need immediately for day-to-day survival, you encourage that and you can cut them off from bigger realities beyond, by either giving them false data concerning the big picture of the world in general or even their country. You simply withhold data and encourage the trivia.
That’s what most television stations, your local television stations, are all about. That’s their job, to make you think everything you need to know and worry about and care about you is just around you; and that used to be true, at one time, to a great extent.
For over 100 years we’ve had, at least the public have been given forms of communication from telephone and radio and television followed up. Long before this was decided to be given to the public, it was debated at very high levels whether the public should have it in the first place
When you look at Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis,” a fictional story written in the 1500’s, published in 1602, concerning a future society which would have its headquarters in the West. They meant America, of course. They call it Solomon’s Island, run on virtue, and a secret society running the whole show, comprised of high intellectuals and scientists. There’s no way that Bacon could have imagined a society which powered itself with an energy which could give off the light of the sun. That’s very familiar, isn’t it, if you think of nuclear energy? People think, “That’s impossible. He couldn’t have imagined that.” He couldn’t have imagined that, you’re quite right, in the days of wind sails, canvas sails, the horse and cart and a candle to write by. We could not have imagined that at all, and neither did he, but then atomic energy was speculated upon thousands of years ago, if you go into the writings of the Atomist Organizations in Ancient Greece. These supposed “intellectuals,” simply because they had nothing better to do but pass their time wearing their white robes, and chatting away, and speculating that everything’s composed of these minute particles that spun around. Worlds within worlds called ATOMS, which is just a play on Adam, by the way, the Microcosm. Everything is interrelated in this big joke.
The trick in all ages is to keep real high sciences—which are constantly being investigated by special teams, all down through the ages—secret from the public. To have ultimate control, you can never share all your high knowledge, because sharing power means you lose power, if you want to be dominant. Yet, there’s no doubt that Francis Bacon’s book was published at that time. Not the updated versions that spin in aliens and all that kind of stuff. That’s the New Age spin that the elite have promoted to confuse us even further, because it’s much easier to believe the game’s over if aliens superior to you run the whole world and always have. That’s called “psychological warfare.” The purpose being that you’d give up before anything starts. Actually, “New Atlantis” was written along with other books like Moore’s book on his utopia, along the same lines of this elitist utopic society run by the intellectuals; those who have the right to rule the rest by their vast intellectual powers.
Sometimes they use authors like H.G. Wells. Today, there’s a whole bunch of them being put out there to give us predictive programming; the idea being that if we accept it subconsciously as a possibility, then they can guide you with possibility upon possibility; and then, when it becomes reality, you think it’s a natural evolution. However, it’s nothing of the kind. It’s planned that way in advance and it’s predictive programming.
Once in while, the elite in Britain, this elite being a very, very old elite called “The Establishment,” they’re there regardless of what party yells at each other across the Parliamentary floor. The elite decide what’s to be done. They pick the top politicians. It doesn’t matter about the ones down below. They’re allowed to compete for their little share in the booty of the public purse and fame and glory and high contracts when they leave for lobbyist jobs. The ones at the top are always picked in advance and groomed before the public even hear their names, as long as the top cabinet below to The Royal Institute, then everything is hunky-dory.
I’m going to read an article written in a magazine. It was written in the 1920’s. Think about this. I’ll tell you at the end which one it is and where to find it. On the cover, you’ll see a young British Lord who couldn’t have been more than 22, with his big long braided wig on. In the House of Lords, the guys who have hereditary peer-ships wear these long wigs and they get their robes with the ermine. They dress like something from the 1700’s. No one has ever explained the purpose of these particular wigs, but if you count the curls going up and down, you see the degrees. He has this young arrogant face, as they all do, very solemn, stern, arrogant and all knowing.
This is Lord Birkenhead and this is what he says, and he says all of the following because he’s allowed in to a higher circle of science which already existed, at least the basics of it did. He was let in on “the know.” The ones at the bottom that the public hear about are doing research. They don’t know about the findings of those above them done long ago.
This is from February 1929.
“Babies will be produced by chemists in laboratories;”He’s talking about the year 2029.
“…the entire institution of marriage will be changed; we will all live to be 150; no one will need to work more than two hours a day; agriculture will be abolished except as a hobby and all foodstuffs will be produced synthetically; man will be able to alter the geography of climate of the world.“Think about that.
“Coal mining will be an extinct industry. A 48-hour day will come into being by retarding the rotations of the earth. Sitting in our homes we will see and hear events the world over.”1929. I’m going to continue here. Remember, this guy isn’t sitting with a crystal ball. He’s not channeling. He doesn’t have a medium next to him from his channeling Zeta Reticuli or some far away place.
Here’s the story:
“A century hence. It appears probable that the application of scientific discoveries will have altered the conditions of human life at least as much as they’ve done in the past hundred years. A child born in 1829 arrived in a world that was just beginning to exploit the steam engine in which electricity was the useless byway of a few professors where anesthetics and antiseptics were unknown.Think about it.
“A child of 2029 looking back on 1929 will consider it as primitive and quaint as 1829 seems to the children of the present day. Our means of travel, our sources of wealth, our medicine and even our ideas will change as drastically during the next century as they did in the course of the last. Applied physics, which has given us the steam engine, the internal combustion motor as well as wireless telephones and all the many other practical uses of electrical energy will certainly make prodigious advances before the year 2029.
“At the moment however, the theoretical basis of physics rests in an undetermined state. Physics is on the brink of a new synthesis, a fresh simplification and restatement of fundamental ideas. This when it comes, and it cannot long be delayed must radically change all our assumptions concerning time, space and the nature of change. Such a revolution of ideas must be accounted among the most important effects of science upon human life in the next century. But, it is of course very difficult to predict what direction this change of ideas will take. Until now, Newton who states physical theory one cannot determine how his restatement will react upon the everyday world. It is easier to prophesy concerning the material changes which will be wrought by applied physics in the next hundred years. The best scientific opinion believes that before 2029 physicists will have solved the problem of supplying the world with limitless amounts of cheap power.
“At present, we derive the energy which drives the wheels of industry from coal and oil. Both these substances are won from nature at the expenses of much money and vast stores of muscular energy, nor are their supplies inexhaustible. By means of the most efficient methods, moreover, a pound of coal can only be made to yield energy of the order of one horsepower for one hour. Yet, locked up in the atoms which constitute a pound of water, there is an amount of energy equivalent to ten million horsepower hour. There is no question that this colossal source of energy exists; but as yet physicists do not know how to release it, or having done so, how to make it perform useful work. This problem will be solved before 2029. Some investigator, at present in his cradle or unborn, will discover the match with which to light this bonfire, or the detonator needed to cause this terrific explosion.
“The consequences of tapping such stupendous sources of cheap energy are almost illimitable. For the first time in his history, man will be armed with sufficient power to undertake operations on a cosmic scale. It will be opened to him radically to alter the geography or climate of the world. By utilizing some 50,000 tons of water, the amount displayed by a larger liner, it would be possible to remove Ireland to the deeper portion of the Atlantic Ocean. The heat obtainable from the same quantity of water would suffice to maintain the Polar Regions at the temperature of the Sahara for a thousand years.”
“The liberation of this energy naturally will revolutionize travel and transport. Engines weighing one ounce for each horsepower they develop will become practical possibilities; and a power plant of six hundred horsepower will carry fuel for a thousand hours, working in a tank no bigger than a fountain pen.I’ll break for a second here to tell you that this character, this Lord had been given access to a future already decided upon. The reason being he was a hereditary peer of the realm, a Lord who gains access to the business plan; and they never change their plans.
Concerning the nature of the vehicles for which such engines will provide the motive power, is it rash to prophesy. Passengers will travel in enormously swift aeroplanes, which by 2029 will ascend and descend vertically. Goods will be carried cheaply and rapidly by land or sea, propelled by motors whose fuel bill will be almost nil.
The coming of this new energy obviously will be accompanied by acute social problems. Its adaptation to industry will entail for example the final extinction of coal mining. Since however it cannot but vastly reduce the cost of oil manufacturers it is hoped that the new wealth it creates will enable governments adequately to provide for the millions whose livelihood it destroys. Some authoritative scientists do not believe that the solution of the power problem will be reached along these lines consider either the winds or the tides will be forced to yield up their energy. Water power is to unevenly distributed over the earth’s surface and too much affected by seasonal variations ever to become the principal source of the world’s energy, but the winds are never still and the tides flow and ebb with unvarying precision. If the winds were harnessed, we could produce a super abundance of cheap power. During stormy weather the surplus energy could be stored in a variety of ways and so be available during calms.”
“The exploitation of title energy presents difficulties which are yet to be solved in a satisfactory manner. These difficulties however are not those of principle but of technique and of the wealth and the serious engineering attention of the world were focused on the question for ten years, there’s no doubt that they would be overcome. The tides of the Bay of Fundy alone could supply the whole of North America with electrical energy by utilizing title energy to any large extent, which will diminish the speed of the earth’s rotation. As it is, the tides act as a break upon the rotation of the earth.”That’s true. As we spin, it’s almost like a drag as it catches up and tries to catch up. For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. That’s the old theory.
To continue:
“As it is, the tides act as a brake upon the rotation of the earth. Tidal friction occurs principally in the Bering Sea, which divides Alaska from Siberia. Its present effect is negligible, since it does but lengthens the day by a fraction less than a second in the course of each century.That’s his little lie, because he’s well aware it’s much older.
“If sufficient energy were extracted from the tides to supply every imaginable future development of human enterprise with power, this braking effect would not be greatly increased. Many millions of years would elapse before the day grew as long as our present week. Five thousand years takes us back to the dawn of recorded human history.”
“So that even a tenth part of 1,000,000 years carries us forward beyond the reach of imagination. We need not therefore, grow alarmed that by harnessing the tides we shall so retard the rotation of the earth as to embarrass our remotest descendants. But the forty-eighthour day is a possibility in the far future. During the next hundred years, applied physics will certainly develop wireless telephony and television beyond our present most imaginative expectations. By 2029 it should be possible for any person sitting at home to be present at no matter what distant event stereoscopic television…”This is before the public got TV, remember, even mono.
“…in full natural colors and perfected wireless telephony will enable him to see and hear any event which is broadcast as effectively as if he stood beside the transmitting apparatus. Such developments must influence the future of politics, but by their aid it will be feasible once more to revive that form of democracy which flourished in the city-states of ancient Greece. By 2029, the chosen spokesmen of each political party will be able to address every voter as effectively as they now can address the House of Commons and so the electorate itself rather than its representatives made decide each vital political issue.”They’ve got to give you a bit of icing on the cake to make you believe it and want to eat the cake.
“After the spokesman of each party has had his or her say the votes for the entire country could be recorded and counted by mechanisms installed in telephone exchanges. Within 20 minutes from the end of the last speech the will of the national jury on any subject will be ascertained and announced.”He’s talking about computer voting.
“Applied chemistry has not affected human life in a manner comparable with the changes produced by physical research. So far the ordinary man’s concern chemistry is only useful to him when it discovers new desirable substances or discovers a means of synthesizing material more cheaply than is produced in nature. In the past, chemists have enriched the resources of humanity with new metals and dyes, drugs, explosives and other substances useful in industry on private life.They love to dope us all, you see.
“By 2029, thousands more, such new substances will be available. Aluminum will be cheaper than pig iron is today malleable and unbreakable glass will be a common place of domestic life. It’s also been suggested that chemical research will turn to the discovery of new physiologically pleasant substances. At present civilized mankind has discovered and adopted in the three such substances such as tobacco, alcohol and caffeine for tea and coffee. These certainly have added enormously to the amenities of existence and Dr. J.B.S. Haldane has proposed that chemists should seriously consider a search for many more such additions to human enjoyment.
“Most chemical substances are either disagreeable or dangerous in their physiological effects. Though a small number, not more than a few thousand are valuable to medicine. Should chemistry in the next hundred years be able to discover a dozen substances as pleasant and as harmless as tobacco each producing a different effect on the consumer it would have earned the thanks of every hard worked man and woman in the world.”
“Any developments in physics and chemistry which recently made and predicted to occur before 2029 do no more than alter the accidentals of human existence and biology, however developments may be predicted which will change the whole nature of life as we experience it today. Even those who know least about the confidently expect prodigious advances from medicine and surgery in the near future and their faith will not be in vain. The abolition of epidemic disease by 2029 is fairly certain as is the discovery of cures for such scourges as cancer and tuberculosis.”That’s true. They do have all the cures. It’s just that the public will never see them.
“Complete and prolonged local anesthesia will become practicable so that not only will operations be painless but the patient will feel no pain afterwards as a result of them. Such an advance also entails completely painless childbirth. Biologists by 2029 will have learned the secrets of the living chemistry of the human body or at least enough of it to achieve startling results. Rejuvenation will be an ordinary and well recognized matter of a few injections at appropriate intervals.”Certainly not for you, boys and girls, I can assure you that.
“The desire to keep old age at bay has ever been one of the dreams of humanity. At last, we can predict that it will be achieved. This mortal must put off immortality by extending the length of his days on earth. The attraction of such an idea, especially to women, who will no longer grow old quickly, is far too clear to require emphasis. But the universal practice of rejuvenation will be accompanied by grave social problems, the least of which would be the immensely increasing population. Suppose it possible to guarantee 150 years of life to every healthy child. How will the youths of twenty be able to compete in the professions or in business or against vigorous men still in their prime at 120 with a century of experience on which to draw? The benefit to humanity, which will accrue if the lives of men of genius are so prolonged, is obvious. Before 2029, biologists will have solved some of the mysteries of human heredity. Heredity is determined by certain ‘genes’ or units, concerning which science already knows much. They are minute bodies, so small that if a hen’s egg were magnified to the size of the world, one of the genes in it would lie on a fair-sized dining table. When biologists can control these they will be able to control heredity.“This, remember, is 1929, you know before they discovered a lot of stuff.
“Most probably by 2029 a clever young man will consider his fiancĂ©e’s hereditary complexion before proposing marriage…”He’s talking about eugenics here.
“…and the young woman of that day will refuse him because he has inherited a gene from his father which will predispose their children to quarrelsomeness.”He’s talking about behavior you see, personal behavior. It’s interesting he doesn’t touch on the physical disability part. These guys are eugenicists. This is the elite talking here.
“By intelligent combination of suitable genes it will be possible to predict with reasonable certainly that truly brilliant children shall be born of a marriage.”That’s called “genetic enhancement” today. They had that term back then, but we didn’t know about that. We’re kept in the dark. He’s talking in the days of the dirigible balloon and the bi-plane. He’s talking about taking out the bad genes. You know the inferior types that might make you quarrelsome or disobedient to your superiors. That’s what he’s talking about, it was all discussed even before this guy was born that’s writing this.
“It is possible, however, that by 2029 the whole question of human hereditary and eugenics will be swallowed up by the prospect of ectogenetic birth, By this is meant the development of a child from a fertilized cell outside its mother’s body in a glass vessel filled with serum on a laboratory bench. Such a proceeding is neither incredible nor indeed impossibly remote. The result of much research shows that the connection between a mother and her growing child are purely chemical; there is no valid reason why one day biologists should not be able perfectly to imitate that chemical connection in the laboratory.”What it means really is you’ll be born and immediately you go “ga-ga-ga” and start trying to cuddle your Petri dish as your mother or the bench you’re on; because this love bonding stuff is, just you know, it’s all ‘nonsense’. It’s purely chemical. This was all decided about long, long before the public heard about the little tidbits that we’re given from the ‘60’s onwards, as though it was a brand new idea. Here’s this guy in 1929 writing about it, because he didn’t come up with this either. He was let in on “the know.” It was all decided in the previous century, the 1800’s.
‘The possibility of ectogenetic children will naturally arouse the fieriest antagonism. Religious bodies of many different creeds will rally their adherence to fight such a fundamental biological invention. In fact, the near mention of its possibility here may strike many readers as gratuitously disgusting. Nevertheless the thing is possible and since it’s possible it is certain that scientists will be deterred by no persecution from straining after it.”All the reactions of the public are already figured out in advance and overcome when they announce these things. All the debating or the problems they foresee are debated and overcome before they tell us any of this stuff, and then retell us later on as though it was brand new again.
“Should ectogenesis ever become an established part of human society its effects will be shattering. Primarily it will separate reproduction from marriage and the latter institution will become wholly changed. Further, the character of the future inhabitants of any state could be determined by the government which happened temporarily to enjoy power.”Remember too, this character is the same age group as Aldous Huxley that wrote “Brave New World” in the 1930’s. They all knew this stuff because they were in on “the know.” All this stuff they’re talking about had already been done secretly a long time ago.
“Further, the character of the future inhabitants of any state could be determined by the government…”Further, I’ll say that again.
“…the character of the future inhabitants of any state could be determined by the government which happened temporarily to enjoy power by regulating the choice of the ectogenic parents of the next generation. The cabin of the future could breed a nation of industrial dullards.”That means morons, folks.
“…or live in the population with fifty thousand charmingly irresponsible mural painters.”This is a little high-class joke, chuckle, chuckle.
“A further immediate consequence of ectogenesis would be a plea that society should be allowed to produce the human types it most needs instead of being forced to absorb all the unsuitable types which happen to be born.”Eugenics again and the planned society, arranged long ago, long before you were even born or your parents were born.
“If it were possible to breed a race of strong healthy creatures intelligent to perform intricate drudgery yet lacking all ambition, what ruling class would resist the temptation? Many of the arguments brought against slavery would be powerless in such a case, for the ectogenic slave of the future would not feel his bonds. Every impulse which makes slavery degrading and irksome to ordinary humanity would be removed from his mental equipment. He wouldn’t care as long as happiness would be his task. He would be the exact human counterpart of the worker bee.”Oh, where have we heard that before, going all the way back to ancient Egypt? Oh boy, oh boy, as above, so below.
“Only the arguments of religion could be used to prevent this evolution.”Evolution, here we go.
“His emancipation could never be considered, for in freedom he would find only crushing boredom and misery.“I’ve got to work. I’ve got to work. I’ve got to just work a hundred hours. I just have to do it to make me happy.
“It seems improbable however that the future developments of industry will call for such a being to tend it wheels. Production will become so cheap, and barring political international upheavals, wealth will accumulate to such an extent that the ectogenetic robot will never be needed.”The humans now are robots. These are Golem.
“It is far more likely that men will work as machine minders for one or two hours a day and be free to devote the rest of their energies to whatever form of activity they enjoy. Such a condition obviously presupposes that all drudgery, not only the drudgery of the coal mine and the machine shop will be abolished by science. It predicates the end of agriculture as the fundamental industry upon which human life rests.”Think about that.
“Probably biology in alliance with chemistry will make an end of agriculture even sooner and the cheapening of production will render a ten hour maximum week universal in the workshops of the world. By 2029 agriculture if not abolished will be in decay at least in civilized lands.“They knew that back then you see and long before.
Boy, he’s right there.“The first step towards the end of agriculture will be the production of benevolent bacteria able to fix the atmospheric nitrogen which is essential to the growth of plant life. Such bacilli never could develop naturally since many of their ancestors will be unable to live except under entirely artificial conditions in the laboratory; and when the active nitrogen fixing bacteria are at last hardened off and allowed to multiply in agricultural land, their immediate effect would be to act as a super efficient manure by their aid. Five or even ten years of wheat will grow where one grows now, while the pasture which now feeds ten beasts will feed fifty.
“Such a development will of course be watched with anxious eyes by all governments. Food prices will slump. Millions of laborers all over the world will find their livelihood vanished. Hard on the heels of this development will come the perfection of synthetic foodstuffs. At present, we nourish ourselves by a curiously wasteful and roundabout method. Solar energy is absorbed by plants and stored by them in their structures mainly in the form of cellulose. The human body is unable to digest cellulose and so to extract nourishment from it. Many animals however aided by obliging bacteria are able to perform this feat and keep herds of sheep, cattle and pigs all on the base new task of digesting cellulose and transforming it into the meat and milk upon which we live. Already it is impossible to convert indigestible cellulose into digestible sugar. But as yet, the cost of the operation prevents its being carried out except as a laboratory experiment. Such processes as this will certainly be further investigated and developed so that by 2029 starch and sugar, two of our most valuable foods will be as cheap as sand or sawdust today.
“Concerning proteins, the other most important human foods, two possibilities exist. Either they too will be produced synthetically or else the more highly prized varieties of animal foods such for example as beef steak or chickens breast will be grown in suitable media in the laboratory. From one parent’s steak of choice tenderness it will be possible to grow as large and as juicy steak as can be desired, so long as the parent is supplied with the correct chemical nourishment. It will continue to grow indefinitely and perhaps eternally. Whenever it is sufficiently large, a few pounds can be cut from it and sent to market.
“Synthetic foods and the production of animal tissues in vitro will finally set at rest those tissues of those timid minds which prophesied a day when the earth’s resources will not feed her children. But if all the inhabitable surface of the globe were inconveniently crowded, the millions of mankind could still be feed to repletion by such means. This second revolution in food production will consummate the decay of agriculture, which can only survive as a rich man’s hobby. Probably however, the synthetic foods of the next century will be so much more easily digested and appetizing that their present equivalents that agriculture will survive only in historical romances. Since the beginnings of history the city has been the parasite of the countryside.”
“In 2029 science will make the city a self-supporting unit and Britain the land of laboratories capable of feeding no matter how many millions of mouths without importing a ton of foodstuffs. Many will bewail such a prospect for they insist that a flourishing agricultural peasantry is the only sound basis of any political life. It will be necessary when agriculture goes into irrevocable decay to plan the evolution of a stable industrial society. Such an undertaking should not lie beyond human wit. The agricultural basis of society, which has existed for so many centuries, was itself evolved from nomads and savages to reconcile such folk with a peaceful static life of the husbandman’s need far more violent adjustment, than will be necessary to urbanize the descents of the world’s present agriculturalists.There you have that one. That is from the Cosmopolitan Magazine, February 1929 when it was owned by Randolph Hearst. This little talk on our future, with much of what we’re seeing happen today and much of this information re-released in the 1960’s and onwards, as though it was brand new. It was written in 1929 by Lord Birkenhead of England, one of those “in the know.” You’ll see his photograph on the first page of his talk in the magazine, with his big wig on and all his curls of this artificial rug that he wears and the arrogant upper class official appearance that he puts on there. I think they must practice that from birth, and a little emblem of Saturn on the left, Old Kronos, who eats his children. Then you have two lighting bolts behind him, which turned out eventually to be the sign and the symbols of the Nazis. What does it all have in common? I do wonder.
“It’s conceivable that not all these changes will have occurred by 2029. The progress of scientific discovery is checkered and subject to no ascertainable regularity or period. In many instances, an applied science after a few years of violent progress stagnates or at best is advanced by small refinements and simplifications. The history of the locomotive steam engine provides an illustration. During the last century railroad trains have grown steadily longer and heavier. In consequence, larger and more powerful engines have evolved to draw them to their destinations, but the huge locomotive of today differs only in size and power from its parent of the 1860’s and 1870’s. No new principle of any importance has been introduced into its design or construction.
“A similar stagnation may overtake the development of airplanes or of wireless telephony. Such halts in the progress of any applied science however are comparative and not final. A fresh mind produces a new idea or a simplification which inaugurates another period of rapid and speeding activity. I have assumed therefore that the rate of progress in applied physics, chemistry and biology during the next hundred years will be maintained approximately at its present level. It may even be greatly accelerated by the ever-increasing interest in scientific research on the part of industrialists and governments.
“Nevertheless, unless science is able to change their ideas no less rapidly than our environment, some of the developments of which I have hinted may not come to pass. Unless, for example the ideas of Asiatic peoples have drastically changed, it will impossible to stamp out epidemic disease from the world. But it is not self evident that all applications of scientific discovery deserve the support of intelligent men and women; because science has benefited humanity in the past, there’s no reason why it always should do so in the future. A biological discovery may well plunge the world into such a catastrophe as it would destroy civilization for a thousand years. As you are reading these words, some disinterested researcher may detonate an atomic explosion which will involve the world and reduce it to a flaring vortex of incandescent gas.”
Science is not new. All the things we’re told about are obsolete. All the stuff that we use is obsolete; and in fact, before we get any of it, there’s massive debates at very high levels as to whether they should give it to the public. There’s always a material purpose in doing so, as we snap up all the goodies and say, “my goodness, isn’t this fun, fun, fun. I can play longer and more,” and yet we’re all brought into a catch-22, where we can’t think for ourselves anymore because it’s all done for us. Many people in today’s world are quite happy with that arrangement. They haven’t consciously thought it through. In fact, most people (and it’s true) don’t really consciously think much through it all. Their ideas are marketed to them and downloaded into them, as efficiently as a program is downloaded into the computer; because essentially, we are just “walking computers,” in a sense.
You can also detect the double-speak of Lord Birkenhead as he talks about methods of controlling the population growth. On the other hand, he talks about millions of people being able to eat because of they can easily synthesize foods. The double-speak. He didn’t want to panic the general herd too quickly. He left that to his later offspring and relatives who’ve been drumming the drums, since about the ‘60’s onwards, about crisis, crisis; too many people. “My goodness, what shall we do?” Hence all the abortion clinics opened up all over the place and free sex was promoted; free love in order to create the problem to give the solution and need more abortion clinics and legalize it all. Before you know it, a fetus (which is a baby) is just a wart and you can get rid of that, can’t you?
There’s nothing happens in society that isn’t planned long ago and debated long ago by those who already ruled the world and ruled this system. This one financial system of commerce, working and laboring, and buying and selling that we are all taught to grow up and compete in. When he gave the speech, of course, the agriculturalists couldn’t really picture being out of work, even if it was “ha-ha, that’s silly. We’ll always be rearing these cows here.” We’ve already seen the agribusinesses being promoted. These big foundations and businesses that have buildings opposite every capital of the world and they lobby all the politicians. Most of them either having been politicians themselves, or they will be after they leave their CEOs position back into politics, back and forth like ping-pong balls. We’re under this corporate fascistic system already; and we have been really all our lives.
The purpose of life has never been discussed by the ordinary people. They’ve never had a say in anything, to be honest with you. Even when we think we’re winning a little bit and getting a little bit more of the material world, the goodies, even the things you need to survive have a temporary respite. They’re already designing the plug to be pulled a little further down the road. So the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away—Lords like Lord Birkenhead.
If you’re allowed to clear land and create a farm with hard work and sweat and tears, it’s all right; because once you’ve done it, they’ll simply tax it from you to get you off the land or put you out with massive fines because you can’t keep up with the ever increasing standards—building standards and codes and land codes et cetera. Yes, two or three generations down the road they can take it back from you. You’ve created some real estate and the big agri-businesses move in and say, “thank you very much for your hard work and now it’s ours for peanuts.”
Remember, the releases of this Birkenhead are just the same kind of releases of Francis Bacon or Moore (the “Utopia”) and many others who have been given inside information from higher sciences. Not from the professors down, but much higher up where they’d already been investigating many different areas to do with everything we now think they’re investigating today. It’s all been done a long time ago. That’s why they all it research: RE-search. At the bottom level, they don’t know that it’s all been done before by much higher levels that are kept secret from everyone, except those at the top.
That’s how power really is. It doesn’t share itself. It gives you an illusion occasionally of having choices, but in reality all of your decisions were made a long time ago with “your betters.” You know those people who are your betters, because “we have better genes than you,” you see. They’re not Levis. They’re good genes [jeans], better ones, old genes that are mated up with other good genes. These genes last a long while before they wear out, obviously, and they’re still here today, as they mate each other up and marry their power and add to power and money; and, of course, the psychopathic trait of the gene that they have is passed on to their offspring. They’re not as silly as people would like to make out. They have a natural instinct for power and control and dominating others, sometimes with the most pleasant faces—another gift of the psychopath. Always depending on the fact that ordinary normal people with empathy, with consciences will believe them, whatever they say. They cannot believe (the ordinary people with empathy) that there are such evil cruel people who would do the most horrific things to not just us, but anyone across the planet—because the end justifies the means, and they sleep well at night. That’s why they get away with it. They start wars. They’ll continue wars. They profit from wars.
The structure of society is held together by natural laws, which are well understood and exploited by those that know the sciences. Formulas that worked thousands of years ago are RE-applied in the same sequence, always with the same results with the populations. We believe what we’re told. We do what we’re told and then we look towards these benefactors at the top, these superior people to take care of us. Many people like it that way when they’re reared in this socialistic system of expert rule, scientific rule. We have no time to go and play while these weighty decisions are all made for us by the superior ones above us. We’re well managed and dictated to, from cradle to grave, and it’s getting worse all the time as each department above us of bureaucracy shows their teeth and shows their power with more and more powers being demanded over the public.
This is a battle for the heart and soul and the mind, and the right to decide a future for ourselves. Where do you stand on this?
Full transcript
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For detailed information own the Cutting Through three volume book by Alan Watt
Always question their motives........
WHO memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing
Fight Back H1N1
November 1, 2009
Two key memorandums from WHO, discovered by Patrick Jordan, prove WHO has intentionally created the three-shot killer vaccine that people in the USA and other countries could soon be forced to take.
1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No 2 Memordanda #1 and #2 Virus-associated immunopathology:
Animal models and implications for human disease * technically outline the ability to create biological weapons in the form of vaccines that:
1) First totally disable the Immune System.
2) Load every cell of the Victim’s body up with Infection.
3) Switch the Immune System on causing the host to kill themselves in a Cytokine Storm.
One, Two, Three, Dead.
These WHO Memorandas describe the three-stage impact of the three “shots” many people will be forced to take this fall to allegedly treat a virus that WHO also helped create and release.
This is a crucial piece of evidence of WHO’s long-term genocidal intentions that could stand in any court of law because these memorandums give the best and fullest explanation WHO’s and affiliated labs (such as the CDC) current activities, such as their patenting of the most lethal bird flu viruses, their sending that virus to Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which weaponised it and sent out 72 kilos to 16 labs in four countries almost triggering a global pandemic.
For every crime, there needs to be motive, an indication that it was deliberate, planned. The WHO memorandums provide the evidence of just that deliberate, long-term planning to kill people by weakening their immune system by use of the first vaccine, injecting a live virus into their body by a second, and creating a cytokine storm using squalene in a third.
Download the WHO Memoranda on:
Scroll down until you find:
Virus-associated immunopathology : animal models and implications for human disease: 1. Effects of viruses on the immune system, immune-complex diseases, and antibody-mediated immunologic injury
Bull World Health Organ. 1972; 47(2): 257?264.
PMCID: PMC2480894
Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models and implications for human disease:
2. Cell-mediated immunity, autoimmune diseases, genetics, and implications for clinical research
Bull World Health Organ. 1972; 47(2): 265?274
PMCID: PMC2480896
If you find any difficulty please download it from our Download Section : Here
The Federal Reserve should be held accountable for the way they oppress the people of America (and the world) through collusion with the whole banking system. We can not stop here. The constitution says only congress can coin money. This problem here is congress gave the Fed this power, so it is legal according to the constitution. We need to wipe out the Fed for failed practices. We also needed to confront Congress for their poor choices and change the American system so that Congress can never again sell its people down the river to some banking system. It is just as much the bankers fault as it is Congress and the Constitution. Our founding fathers failed to exclude these abuses from the language of the Constitution irregardless of what we interpret their intent to be today.
Audit the Fed: Bernanke and the Bankers Are Running Scared
Kurt Nimmo
November 28, 2009
Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve mob boss, is running scared. He is deathly afraid an audit of his criminal organization.
“These measures are very much out of step with the global consensus on the appropriate role of central banks, and they would seriously impair the prospects for economic and financial stability in the United States,” Bernanke wrote in the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post.
Maybe Bernanke is worried he will be obliged to wear an orange jumpsuit in the wake of an audit. | |
Bankster tool Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, tried to derail an effort to audit the Fed but failed. A proposal to audit the Fed’s monetary policy deliberations won a committee vote recently over Frank’s objections.
In his Mockingbird media editorial, Bernanke “conceded the Fed had missed some of the riskiest behavior in the lead up to the crisis. But he said the Fed had helped avoid an even more damaging economic meltdown and has stepped up its policing of the financial system.”
In fact, the Fed was specifically designed to create financial crises. It was all plotted in 1910 when minions of J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, the Rothschilds and Warburgs met on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. In 1913, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank was created as a direct result of that secret meeting. Said Congressman Charles Lindbergh on the midnight passage of the Federal Reserve Act: “From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.”
In order to scientifically create an economic depression, the Fed prompted irresponsible speculation by expanding the money supply sixty-two percent between 1923 and 1929. The so-called Great Depression followed. This depression “was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence,” declared Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee. “The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
In March of 1929, Paul Warburg issued a tip that the scientifically created crash was coming. Before it did, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Joseph P. Kennedy, and other banksters got out of the market.A few years later, the banksters and their minions met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and plotted the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The purpose of these two criminal organizations was to set-up a global Federal Reserve system and wage economic warfare on billions of people. The weapon they used was debt and the loss of sovereignty that follows.
In 1971, then president Nixon fit one of the last pieces into the puzzle — he signed an executive order declaring that the United States no longer had to redeem its paper dollars for gold. It was a great day for the banksters and the global elite. The gold standard ensured predictability and regularity in the economy and the banksters wanted to put an end to that. For the bankers, order and control is realized out of chaos and misery.
Fast-forward to the present day. Bernanke’s Fed has meticulously sabotaged the economy in order to create a crisis in classic Hegelian fashion. The corporate media tells us the crisis is the result of ineptitude and mismanagement at the Federal Reserve. Au contraire. Like the Great Depression, the even Greater Depression now on the horizon was scientifically created.
The Fed is the primary instrument the bankers are now using to destroy the middle class, hand over all public assets and resources to them, implement a crushing austerity, usher in a new era of global corporatist feudalism and build a sprawling planet-wide slave plantation based on China’s totalitarian model.
It is the ultimate dream of the banking cartel. It will be used as the foundation to build world government. Destroying the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is only the beginning.
Bernanke knows Ron Paul and the audit the Fed movement are extremely dangerous. That’s why he is pushing this facile “oops” theory. In order to fix things, the Fed will use its “knowledge of complex financial institutions” in order to supervise them, he writes in his Mockingbird editorial. Allowing audits of Federal Reserve monetary policy would increase the perceived influence of Congress on interest rate decisions, he says.
No, it would lay bare the criminality of the Federal Reserve. Maybe Bernanke is worried he will be obliged to wear an orange jumpsuit in the wake of an audit.
As for Congress, Bernanke needs to read Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall have exclusive power to “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof,” not a criminal cartel of monopoly men who dream of a prison planet.
We have come to a time in world history where the tides of government are changing. At one time the peoples of the world recognized that there was a need for proper representation of the citizenry. It was once understood that those who wield the most power in the systems of government had to be elected by the people that they reign over. The situation has changed. Governments on both sides of the Atlantic are moving towards a system of bureaucrats instead of elected officials. The bureaucrats are gaining the power to interpret law as they see fit. The problem here is that they are not elected by the people, and therefore can not be held accountable directly in any election process. This is the Soviet system, to be ruled by bureaucratic councils. Congratulations to this British MEP for pointing out this problem in the EU. The cap and trade legislation and health care bills in the US are filled with language which appoints bureaucrats to interpret the law. The problem is our elected representatives should be the only one with the right to define the parameters of any law. We face the same dangerous as the rest of the world.
Also note that strong dissension apparently is not approved west or (as we can see here) east of the Atlantic. That is exactly what Mr. Farage was elected to do, as our representatives here. Why do so many laws pass day to day with pathetic or no dissension? The wheels of government are supposed to be slow to save the people from the power hungry.
MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU Dictatorship
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, November 26, 2009
We here about DNA with police investigations all the time. Britain has taken it to the level of keeping DNA databases. They have taken it to a new level. Beware what is coming home soon....
Police arresting people "just for the DNA"
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has built the world's biggest DNA database without proper political debate and police routinely arrest people just to get their DNA profiles onto the system, the genetics watchdog said in a report on Tuesday.
The Human Genetics Commission, which advises the government on the social, legal and ethical aspects of genetics, called for a review of the database and said new laws must be passed to govern its use.
In a damning report, the commission said "function creep" had transformed the system from a DNA store for offenders into a database of suspects.
More than three-quarters of young black men aged between 18 and 35 are on the system, the report said.
Set up in 1995, the database contains the DNA profiles of five million citizens, eight percent of the population, making it the world's biggest in proportion to population size.
"Parliament has never formally debated the establishment of the National DNA Database and safeguards around it," commission chairman Professor Jonathan Montgomery said in a statement.
"It has developed through amendments to laws designed to regulate the taking of fingerprints and physical evidence before DNA profiling was developed.
"It is not clear how far holding DNA profiles on a central database improves police investigations."
The report quoted an unidentified retired senior police officer as saying that "it is now the norm to arrest offenders for everything" in order to obtain a DNA sample.
A Home Office spokesman said the database was a "vital crime-fighting tool" that had linked more than 410,000 crime scenes with a DNA match and a possible lead to an offender between 1998 and March 2009.
"Research shows no clear link between the level of offence for which an individual is arrested and the seriousness of any subsequent offence with which they may be associated," the spokesman said. No one from the Association of Chief Police Officers could immediately be reached for comment.
Opposition politicians and human rights groups said the report provided further evidence that Britain is becoming a "surveillance society," where people's personal details are stored and their movements constantly monitored.
Conservative Home Office spokesman James Brokenshire said Gordon Brown's government had allowed the DNA database to grow "for the sake of it, regardless of guilt or innocence."
"Under Labor's surveillance state, everyone is treated as a potential suspect," he said.
The report recommended that parliament pass new laws that clearly outline the powers of the police and the DNA database.
An independent panel should be set up to review the evidence on who has given DNA samples and why. The type of offences which require suspects to give a sample must also be reviewed.
Police in England and Wales can take and store the DNA of anyone arrested for a recordable offence, a category that includes all but minor crimes.
(Editing by Steve Addison)
Here is all the global warming scams coming to roost at your door. Not only are we talking about data collection with privacy concerns dealing with monitoring what are energy is being used for. These smart grids also have the ability to shut off things that are deemed "non essential" appliances if you are seen as abusing your energy usage. Remember as I previously posted, you are the enemy! You are being trained and tested to see if you can fit into someone plan for you. Aren't you free to be yourself. What happens if you don't fit in? Are you an enemy to earth? What shall be done with the enemies?
Your smart meter is watching
November 17, 2009Ann Cavoukian
The information and communications technology revolution has changed our society in profound ways and these new technologies are being used to make the current electrical grid "smarter," commonly referred to as the "smart grid." But this is not the future. The deployment of smart meters in Ontario homes is already widespread, and the Ontario government has committed to installing this technology in all homes and small businesses by the end of 2010. President Barack Obama's infusion of $3.4 billion (U.S.) to build the smart grid is greatly accelerating the delivery of the program across the U.S.
Smart meters record and report electricity consumption on an hourly basis – even at the appliance level. Consumers can access their meter data and make individual choices about their energy use, benefitting by taking advantage of future rates.
While this technology is clearly beneficial in terms of valuable efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and reduce consumers' energy bills, it will also give rise to a new challenge – privacy protection. Privacy is the smart grid's sleeper issue. Whenever technology is utilized that targets individual consumers, there is invariably a dramatic increase in the amount of personally identifiable information that is collected and stored, leading to very real concerns regarding privacy. This is why we need to bake privacy into the smart grid at the design stage – known as "privacy by design" – a concept developed to ensure the protection of privacy by making privacy the default in the design of new technologies and business practices.
We must take great care not to sacrifice consumer privacy amid an atmosphere of unbridled enthusiasm for electricity reform. But we need not forfeit one for the other in a zero-sum manner; we can adopt a positive-sum approach, where both interests may prevail.
Information proliferation, lax controls and insufficient oversight of this information could lead to unprecedented invasions of consumer privacy. Intimate details of individual hydro customers' habits, from when they eat, when they shower, to when they go to bed, plus such security issues as whether they have an alarm system engaged, could all be discerned by the data, automatically fed by appliances and other devices, to the companies providing electric power to our homes.
These concerns, however, are not meant to scare us away from the value of monitoring electrical usage data on the grid – giving consumers more control over their electricity usage and giving electricity providers the ability to manage demand requirements – what we need to embrace is the idea that the dissemination of personal information must be done in a privacy protective and transparent manner.
That is why – along with co-author Christopher Wolf – we are releasing a white paper today, SmartPrivacy for the Smart Grid: Embedding Privacy in the Design of Electricity Conservation, which not only emphasizes the necessity of building privacy into the smart grid, but also provides guidance as to what concrete steps can be taken.
For example, data minimization is key: only the minimal amount of personally identifiable information should be provided, based on the nature of the relevant service, such as the first three digits of a postal code, which may be sufficient for services that allow for comparison of neighbourhood averages and other features such as regional electrical usage.
In addition, when an electrical utility company is sharing data with a third-party service provider, a pseudonym, such as a unique ID number, may be utilized instead of a customer's name or some other piece of information that can identify the individual. Further, third-party service providers should enter into contractual agreements not to correlate consumer data with data obtained from other sources, without the consent of the consumer. These are only a few of the steps that may be taken to ensure privacy protection on the smart grid.
The time for action is now, before the smart grid becomes a fully established part of our infrastructure. We cannot allow privacy to become the Achilles heel of this new method of energy management. The information collected on the smart grid will form a large and complex library of personal information, the mishandling of which could be highly invasive of personal privacy. There will be major concerns if consumer-focused principles of transparency and control are not treated as essential design principles. Both public and private sector organizations responsible for the processing of customers' personal information on the smart grid must ensure that privacy is embedded into the design of the smart grid, from start to finish – end-to-end.
If we give consumers assurances that their privacy is protected, we can then ensure consumer confidence and trust, which will allow for the widespread acceptance of the smart grid, in turn contributing to the overall goal of using energy in more efficient and environmentally friendly ways. We cannot and need not sacrifice privacy for energy efficiency. We can have both privacy and a fully functioning smart grid. A positive sum (win-win) outcome for all – electrical utility providers, consumers, the environment and privacy – is there for the asking.
The paper discussed in this article can be viewed at
Obama announces $3.4 billion in grants for smart grid
Republicans have heavily criticized the stimulus as wasteful spending that has done little to reduce America's 9.8 percent jobless rate.
The grants, which range from $400,000 to $200 million, will go to 100 companies, utilities, manufacturers, cities and other partners in 49 states -- every state except Alaska.
Obama made the announcement after taking a tour of an array of 90,000 solar panels that line a grassy plain of cow pastures deep in the muggy heart of Florida, apparently more panels than there are people in Arcadia.
Obama, doffing his suit coat against the heat and humidity, told a crowd the program was an important investment in the types of clean energy he would like to foster in the United States to wean the country off carbon fuels.
He said the grants would go to private companies, utilities and cities and were aimed at creating a "smarter, stronger and more secure electric grid."
"At this moment, there's something big happening in America when it comes to creating a clean energy economy," Obama said.
Carol Browner, Obama's top adviser on climate change and energy issues, told reporters that the current grid system was outdated and dilapidated.
"Not only do we need to make the current system bigger and add more watts, but we need to make it function better," she said.
The grants will not be used to build new power lines, but improve the capabilities of the electrical system. "I would say it's more than a face-lift," Browner said.
The money will pay for about 18 million smart meters that will help consumers manage energy use in their homes, 700 automated substations to make it faster for utilities to restore power knocked out by storms and 200,000 smart transformers that allow power companies to replace units before they fail, thus avoiding outages.
The winning companies have secured an additional $4.7 billion in private money to match their government grants, creating $8.1 billion in total investment in the smart grid.
One of the winning companies is Constellation Energy's Baltimore Gas and Electric Co, which will receive $200 million in grants to add to $250 million in private funds to deploy a smart meter network for all of its 1.1 million residential customers.
Constellation Energy chairman Mayo Shattuck said the new technology would put the country on the brink of the "greatest transformations of the electric grid ever."
"This technology allows consumers to have the opportunity to reduce their bills and it allows utilities to increase their efficiency," Shattuck said.
The White House will act fast to get the money into the economy, with the funds expected to be in the accounts of the winning companies within 60 days. The projects themselves will last 12 to 36 months.
BGE customers can use the meters to view their electricity use in real-time, allowing them to run appliances when there is less demand on the grid and power prices are cheaper.
Sempra Energy's San Diego Gas and Electric Co subsidiary will get $28.1 million on top of the $32 million it plans to spend to connect 1.4 million smart meters.
(Additional reporting by Tom Doggett and Patricia Zengerle in Washington; Editing by David Storey)

- Ryan
- You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
What man is a man who does not make the world better?
Defy The Matrix
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Important Documents
Important Web Sites
Good Web Sites (see disclaimer)
Books to Read
- -1984
- -A Brave New World
- -Animal Farm
- -Bertrand Russell's Books
- -Brave New World Revisited
- -Carl Jung's Book
- -Cutting Throught the Matrix Vol. 1-3
- -Foundations: Their Power and Influence
- -Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World
- -Plato's writings
- -Political Ponerology
- -Propoganda
- -The Anglo American Establishment
- -The Coming Battle
- -The Republic
- -The Technological Society
- -Tragedy and Hope
- -United Nations Global Straight Jacket

The Editor in no way supports the views of most New Age beliefs that include things such as: an alien agenda past or present, reptilians, 2012 salvation/destruction, channeling, global warming/cooling........
*Note on the Occult: You may notice references to ideas within the realm of the occult. I do not support the practicing of occult meditations and magic, but there is a pure knowledge that is hidden within these philosophies. As with all higher knowledge, the higher you climb the more dangerous are the pitfalls. So please enter these truths with caution and only after acquiring an open mind and ample knowledge of the world.
The road of truth is littered with the bodies of those who have been enchanted by the sounds of the Siren's song.
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