We know now that this simian virus was in the early vaccines that were produced. There are those who claim that the negative effects were understood and ignored by the scientists involved in the early production. At the very least we need to understand that the vaccine industry only cares about providing a product with little care about any side effects. If you look from the point of view of pure business, any side effects could then be another issue which the drug companies could develop treatments for and make even higher profits. The intent of allowing such mishaps to occur could be much more evil. We know that the contaminated vaccines were being used for at least 12 (possible up to 22 years). If the welfare and public health is of the most importance how can one day of injecting cancer be acceptable. How can we trust vaccines when the producers allowed this in to occur in the past? How can we trust injecting anything directly into our body(bypassing most of the body's defenses) when we can not identify the components within the shot? The doctors do not do any research on their own to ensure the safety of the vaccines. They are merely taking the word of those who produced it. We can only learn from our experience, now don't forget, because this only scratches the surface of how corrupt this industry is.
The 'Unknown' About Polio Vaccine: SV40 and Cancer
Candidly, the first page of the transcript for the hearing states:
In his opening statement, Subcommittee Chairman Dan Burton reiterated:There is no dispute that millions of Americans received polio vaccines that were contaminated with the virus called Simian Virus 40, or SV–40. There also is no dispute that SV–40 is capable of causing cancer, but there is a major dispute as to how many Americans may have received the contaminated vaccine, with estimates ranging from 4 million to 100 million people. There is also a major dispute as to when the polio vaccine supply got cleaned up. In addition, nobody knows how many people got sick or died because of the contaminated vaccines.
But there is a major dispute as to how many Americans may have received the contaminated vaccine with estimates ranging from 4 million to 100 million. There is also a major dispute as to when the polio vaccine supply got cleaned-up. In addition, nobody knows how many people got sick or died because of the contaminated vaccines.One of the experts who testified, James Goedert, MD, said:
The virus was discovered in 1960 in rhesus macaque monkey kidney cells that were used in the production of the original Salk and Sabin polio vaccines (1). Since the mass immunization program for polio began in 1955, before the discovery of the virus, contaminated vaccine lots were inadvertently used for the first few years of the program.Dr. Goedert went on to say that, “…no SV40 has been found in U.S. polio vaccine lots tested after 1972.”
He further added that “The Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences issued a report in October 2002 (50), which concluded that scientific ‘evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between SV40-containing polio vaccines and cancer.’ (p.11, Executive Summary). The committee stated that the ‘biological evidence is of moderate strength that SV40 exposure could lead to cancer in humans under natural conditions’ and that ‘biological evidence is of moderate strength that SV40 exposure from the polio vaccine is related to SV40 infection in humans.’” (p. 11, Executive Summary)
Barbara Loe Fisher, of the National Vaccine Information Center, testified at that hearing and here’s part of what she had to say:
The story you’re about to hear involves a pharmaceutical company which used monkeys to make polio vaccine, government health agencies responsible for making sure the vaccine was not contaminated with monkey viruses, and individuals who are now dying from cancerous tumors that contain a monkey virus which appears to have contaminated that polio vaccine. At the heart of this story is a violation of the public trust and the informed consent ethic.Ms. Fisher’s last sentence still holds true today: At the heart of the vaccine/vaccination safety issue is “a violation of the public trust and informed consent ethic.” Informed consent is becoming more problematic—if not totally lacking—because dozens more vaccines are being mandated by health agencies and an irresponsibly administered U.S. CDC and FDA that parrot vaccine makers’ pseudo-science about neurotoxins and other poisons in vaccines. The SV40 issue should make everyone question IF vaccine makers really know what they are doing. And still, parents are mandated by state laws to have their children harmed and/or killed from unproven or even unknown ingredients—as SV40 proved—in vaccines.
Furthermore, Ms. Fisher pointed out that
There is frank admission that the limitations of technology and lack of scientific knowledge means there can be no guarantee that vaccines will not be contaminated with substances that could prove harmful to humans 1 day.Nothing is more indicative of Ms. Fisher’s statement than all the foreign DNA that is used in the manufacture of vaccines now in the 21st century. According to CDC’s Adjuvant, Excipient, and Medium Summary, there is bovine and bovine calf, chick, human diploid tissue (aborted human fetuses), African green monkey, mouse brain, and Rhesus monkey just to mention a few. Just recently insects were added to the mix.
During testimony, Stanley P. Kops, Esquire, presented stunning charts of facts about SV40 and challenged the polio vaccine maker to dispute them with pharma’s corroborating facts or evidence. Kops’s presentation also noted that the vaccine maker did not follow the mandatory Code of Federal Regulations, plus he supplied language from a corporate interoffice memo stating that, that specific vaccine maker did not do the proper tests for extraneous agents or neurovirulence. Mr. Kops apparently acquired much of the facts/data during the discovery process in lawsuits where he represented damaged clients in court.
In 2000 Attorney Kops’s article, “Oral Polio Vaccine and Human Cancer: A Reassessment of SV40 as a Contaminant Based upon Legal Documents” was published in Anticancer Research, pages 4745-49.
Also testifying, Adi F. Gazdar, MD, said “…more than 60 laboratories world wide have documented the presence of SV40 in human tumors…” “The biological evidence is strong that SV40 is a cancer causing virus.”
The committee, after hearing testimony, recommended that the appropriate federal agencies develop a Vaccine Contamination Prevention and Response Plan.
The revelation that SV40—a cancer-causing virus—was in polio vaccines for numerous years without apparent detection or concern by the vaccine maker, leads one to believe that vaccine manufacturing may be nothing short of a crapshoot. Throw it together and get it out in the marketplace as soon as possible along with media spin touting that it will prevent a disease.
Sadly, the polio vaccine is not the only vaccine with problems. Just about every vaccine on the market today is problematic insofar as it contains neurotoxins and other poisons further compounded by foreign DNA that is syringed into an infant, toddler, teenager, adult, and senior citizen without much regard for adverse reactions. Too many vaccines in the past have ruined many lives with Guillain Barré Syndrome, a paralyzing adverse reaction to vaccines. Currently there is scientific talk about DNA from aborted fetuses being implicated in infant adverse reactions.
The CDC’s VAERS reports document thousands of serious adverse reactions to vaccines, and no one seems to be connecting the dots on these ticking time bombs. Do we have to wait another fifty years to hear the facts? That leads one to think it must be deliberate because they really can’t be that damn dumb.