From an early age we are molded by what is introduced to our environment. A baby will have no preconceived notions of anything in the world. The media we consume daily from an early age is bathed in stereotypes. We make these connections on a sub conscious level even if the lessons others teach us make us behave as if we have no stereotypes dictating our thoughts about people. The lesson here is to not under estimate the messages that media give us. Just because we are smart enough to reason things through and behave properly does not mean that the basic building blocks of our mind, our subconscious isn't effected by the constant stream of media which we consume.
There is no question in most of the public's conscious thoughts about the negative outlook on racism. The areas to be more concerned about is when there people's thoughts are in flux on a topic that once had a general consensus. Division, chaos, and confusion are the tools of those who have a plan and desire to control a population. You always have to question their intentions when the most powerful of media comes from big money and investments (media depends upon - bankers to extend credit and investment & government to not over regulate).
With more and more information coming out about customer privacy concerns, you might want to know how long your cell phone company keeps your information. If concern over privacy is not enough lets also remember that even when police request this information the carrier makes money off of fulfilling their requests.
Cellphone carriers retain customer data for up to 7 years
WASHINGTON (WLS) - A leaked document from the Justice Department intended for law enforcement officials describes the length of time major cellphone companies retain sensitive customer data, including text message details and content.
Wired magazine reported that T-Mobile keeps a list of users’ text message recipients for up to five years and AT&T for up to seven years, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ) document dated August 2010.
Wired lists the retention periods of other carriers’ data, such as who keeps call detail records the longest (AT&T: up to seven years) and post-paid bill copies the longest (AT&T and Sprint: up to seven years).
Verizon Wireless is the only carrier that keeps text contents, although for three to five days.
The document, entitled “Retention Periods of Major Cellular Service Providers,” was obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union in North Carolina through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Jeffrey Nelson, a Verizon Wireless spokesman, said in an email to ABC News that the company would not comment on the details in the report.
But, he said, “Verizon Wireless keeps data for various periods of time in order to provide services to our customers, including responding to customer inquiries about their own accounts. We take the privacy of our customers very seriously, and have policies and procedures in place to safeguard customer information.”
Mark Siegel, a spokesman for AT&T, said the company addresses data retention in its privacy policy. AT&T’s privacy policy states the company retains personal information (including name, address, telephone number, email address, Social Security number and financial account number) “only as long as needed for business, tax or legal purposes, after which we destroy it by making it unreadable or undecipherable.”
Its privacy policy says it may provide personal information to non-AT&T companies or other third parties for purposes such as responding to 911 calls and other emergencies; complying with court orders and other legal process; assisting with identity verification, and to prevent fraud and identity theft; enforcing AT&T’s agreements and property rights; and “obtaining payment for products and services that appear on your AT&T billing statements, including the transfer or sale of delinquent accounts to third parties for collection.”
Jason Gertzen, a spokesman for Sprint, said the company “respects and protects the privacy and security of the personal information of our customers.”
“Responding to public safety or law enforcement requests is not unique to Sprint. We act as good stewards of our customers’ personal information while also meeting our obligations to law enforcement agencies,” he said in an email to ABC News. “Different categories of data are retained for varying lengths of time depending on the type and sensitivity of data, the applicable laws and regulations governing the retention of such data and the business purpose of the data.”
Kudos to the Judge. Judge Napolitano says it all here. He explains where America went wrong, and possibly even duped from the beginning of our history up until the present. You can not refute any of it if you truly know your history. If you can see the truth in these statements then ask yourself what is America, and who does it serve to give us freedom and immediately change the intentions?
What if the Constitution were written not to limit government, but to expand it? What if the Constitution didn’t fulfill the promise of the Declaration of Independence, but betrayed it? What if the Constitution actually permitted the government to limit and constrict freedom? What if the Bill of Rights was just a paper promise, that the government could avoid whenever it claimed the need to do so? What if the same generation – in some cases the same people – that drafted the U.S. Constitution enacted laws that violated it? What if the merchants and bankers who financed the American Revolution bought their way into the new government and got it to enact laws that stifled their competition? What if the civil war that was fought in the name of freedom actually advanced the cause of tyranny?......
What if we are only a tool - the means to an end?
Repost from NaturalNews
CDC now calling U.S. households and demanding child immunization records as part of vaccine surveillance and tracking program
By Mike Adams, The Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which has been comprehensively exposed as a vaccine propaganda organization promoting the interests of drug companies, is now engaged in a household surveillance program that involves calling U.S. households and intimidating parents into producing child immunization records. As part of what it deems a National Immunization Survey (NIS), the CDC is sending letters to U.S. households, alerting them that they will be called by "NORC at the University of Chicago" and that households should "have your child's immunization records handy when answering our questions." (See copies of the letter, below.)
This NIS vaccine compliance program is revealed in a letter being sent to U.S. households by Edward J. Sondik, PhD, the director of the National Center for Health Statistics at the CDC. The CDC, you may recall, was instrumental in pushing the false swine flu pandemic scare and encouraging governments to order billions of dollars worth of vaccines from drug companies. Following this marketing fraud, the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, went on to accept the lucrative job as the president of Merck's global vaccine division ( One of the CDC's top researchers who worked under Gerberding, Dr. Poul Thorsen, was later indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly stealing grant money and using it to buy luxury cars and motorcycles (
Now the CDC is bullying parents across the USA to comply with child immunization surveillance programs by calling their home phones and asking them to produce child immunization records.
NaturalNews has acquired a copy of the letter being sent by the CDC, which you can view in these two images:
Vaccine compliance tracking
"Your phone number was chosen randomly by computer," explains the letter, which goes on to say that the CDC will use your information to generate a map of vaccine compliance -- no doubt to later target low-compliance areas with increased vaccination propaganda or even court-ordered immunization mandates like the one we witnessed in Maryland ("It is important for us to interview every household we call to get a complete picture of your area's immunization rates," the CDC letter explains. "Your answers to the NIS will provide information to help improve the nation's health now and in the years ahead," it continues. Which means, of course, that this information will be used to push more vaccines onto more infants by targeting areas with low vaccine compliance rates, such as African American neighborhoods which are rightly skeptical of government's claims about vaccines.
Note that in this letter, the CDC admits it is using this information to track vaccine compliance at the local level. On top of that, the website openly admits this is all about public health surveillance, saying: "the NIS is one of the largest telephone surveys in the nation and its data are considered the gold standard for public health surveillance on immunization rates."
Ever notice how these organizations are so aggressive at tracking vaccination rates but they care nothing about tracking rates of autism? Have you wondered why they aren't calling U.S. households and asking parents whether their children became autistic after receiving vaccines? (Gee, maybe they don't want to know the answer to that question...)
Public health surveillance = interrogations by phone
Once your private home phone is called as part of this vaccine surveillance and tracking program, you will be essentially interrogated over the phone about your vaccine immunization compliance:"Respondents are asked a series of questions about the vaccinations received by selected children (including recommended seasonal flu vaccines)," says NORC. And after that, NORC will request permission to acquire your child's immunization records from your doctor!
"Respondents are also asked for permission to contact the children's health providers for the sole purpose of obtaining immunization records, providing an important supplement to the household report," NORC explains. Yes, once you answer the interrogation questions on the phone, they will then go straight to your doctor to acquire vaccine records there in order to determine whether you were lying on the phone.
See our screen capture of the website which admits all this:
The original source of this is: (but they will no doubt change their page after this NaturalNews story goes live, which is why we posted a screen shot).
It's all admittedly a way to increase vaccination rates of low-income children
"NORC then sends an Immunization History Questionnaire via mail to these health providers," it says. And once the data are compiled: "These data are used by the CDC and state and local public health agencies to monitor the potential for disease outbreaks at the community level and to allocate resources for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, which ensures that all children in the U.S. have access to vaccinations regardless of financial status."In other words, the CDC, working on behalf of the drug companies, wants to make sure that all children are vaccinated even if their parents can't afford it. That's government being "helpful" to its slaves, you see. "Public health" has been so perverted and distorted under the government / pharmaceutical collusion regime that instead of teaching people how to prevent disease with nutritious foods, vitamin D and low-cost natural cures, the government is all about injecting infants with vaccines, irradiating women's breasts with mammograms, and outlawing dietary supplements while claiming to be working under the label of "public health."
And now, thanks to the police state tactics being increasingly used by the federal government to enforce vaccines even at gunpoint (as we saw in Maryland), it appears we are about to enter a phase where it's not just TSA reaching down your pants, but CDC running vaccine surveillance and compliance tracking in order to make sure no one goes unvaccinated in America.
On August 12, 2011 as the movement towards natural and organic foods grow the fundamental right to produce food of your own choice was attacked in State of Wisconsin. To quote the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund requested clarification of the court's decision:
1) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;America is believed to be a consumer driven capitalist society based on the concepts of individual freedom, but this is an attack to the very heart of such a concept. Food is a basic right of survival, and the state has assumed the right to dictate who has the right to produce what kind of food. Is this just a reason to collect taxes and fees from farmers? An attempt to dictate the diets of the citizens (control has been creating nutrition deficiency without hunger)? An attempt to protect corporate farms and food production from small farms (fascism)? Or is it all of the above?
2) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;
3) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;
4) no, the Zinniker Plaintiffs’ private contract does not fall outside the scope of the State’s police power;
5) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice;
Our rights as dictated since day one revolve around the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (originally, the right to property, meaning right to own and do with as you wish). If we can not feed ourselves and each other under own dictates that is a direct attack on life itself. How far will the dictations of our governments go?
Part of the answer is Codex Alimentarius, which is the international regulations of food safety and production standards from the UN and WHO. Again, another lose of sovereignty with blanket regulations without taking into consideration local needs or issues. It claims to be voluntary, but why are all major governments falling in line under these regulations? Global governance has come to our kitchens.
I want to start this with re-posting the most important quote from this article written by none other than Chuck Norris (who would have thought?).
Recombinant DNA technology [genetic engineering] faces our society with problems unprecedented, not only in the history of science, but of life on the Earth. … Now whole new proteins will be transposed overnight into wholly new associations, with consequences no one can foretell, either for the host organism or their neighbors. … For going ahead in this direction may not only be unwise but dangerous. Potentially, it could breed new animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer, novel epidemics. - George Wald, Nobel laureate in medicine and physiology, Higgins professor of biology at Harvard UniversityI would add one more observation to this already foreboding warning. What is the motivation to hide the modified foods? In America it is supposed to be the consumer's ability to decide for themselves which regulates the economy. There appears to have to be a motivation to have us ingest these modified foods. With the possibility of the havoc which these new designed proteins could wreck upon the body why not let us decide for ourselves. Will the results of eating these foods have an affect which is desired by those in control?
The U.S., U.N., and genetic engineering
By Chuck NorrisThe U.S., U.N., and genetic engineering – Chuck Norris calls for Accountability
World Daily News
Would you know if you are eating genetically engineered foods?
The Los Angeles Times recently reported that, with no labeling on such foods, few realize that they are doing just that. Genetically modified crops comprise 93 percent of all soy, 86 percent of all corn and 93 percent of all canola seeds planted in the U.S., and are used in an about 70 percent of all American processed food.
The Times went on to say that the Pew Center, Consumers Union and Harris Interactive polls over the last decade have shown that the overwhelming majority of Americans would like to see genetically modified foods better regulated and labeled. Despite that, President Obama’s administration has approved an “unprecedented number of genetically modified crops,” like ethanol corn, alfalfa and sugar beets
The U.S. government is not the only entity boosting and green-lighting genetic engineering of our crops and foods. In 1963, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, or CAC, was founded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and World Health Organization. Its self-proclaimed mission was to protect health, remove trade obstacles and establish food guidelines. The membership of the commission now stands at 185 members, including the European community and the U.S.
Literally hundreds of guidelines have been adopted by the CAC in areas ranging from additives to pesticides and most recently, in 2005, for vitamins and mineral supplements. And now, this year, they are picking up the issue whether or not to label genetically altered and engineered fruits and vegetables.
The Alliance for Natural Health, or ANH, expressed another concern from the natural health community about the United Nation’s CAC guidelines, because its preamble “essentially discounts the benefits from dietary supplements, and the fact that the scope of the Codex Guidelines includes developing minimum and maximum levels of vitamins and minerals.”
Though regulating those maximum levels is currently prohibited by U.S. policy – because dietary supplements are not categorized as drugs, it is one more sign that global governance of our foods is right around the corner. As if American households relinquishing their health and fitness habits to Washington weren’t enough, now the entire U.S. needs to be governed by a global food and drug administration?
U.S. food policy may not acquiesce to worldwide regulations tomorrow, but global control is a slippery slope that is often yielded through small steps or so-called benign increments. The European Union has already enacted many universal food tenets into law. Could the U.S. be that far behind in this global age? If an era in which caving into international pressure is en vogue, how far behind are our food factories?
But does the U.S. really want foreign entities telling us how to eat, what vitamins to take or how (not) to label U.S. food now or in the distant future? I’ll say what I said in a previous column: I believe, the sooner we quit relinquishing our health and fitness responsibilities over to the government, and take control of our own lives, the better off we’ll be.
Americans have a right to be concerned with international influence over labeling, marketing and masking the truths behind foods coming abroad. Our health and welfare should not be turned over to foreign powers, lobbying groups, the FDA and the USDA. If we do, we can kiss goodbye the freedoms we’ve long enjoyed with dietary supplements and organic foods.
The added difficulty with genetic tampering and labels is that we know big business and lobbying often control the decisions in Washington. Recently that was made evident again by the actions of the USDA. Despite that tests prove genetically engineered organisms become a part of the bacteria in our digestive tracts, the ANH reported how the USDA now wants to eliminate any controls from genetically altered corn and cotton!
The ANH cited the wisdom of the late George Wald, Nobel laureate in medicine and physiology as well as Higgins professor of biology at Harvard University, one of the first scientists to speak out about the dangers of genetically engineered foods:
Recombinant DNA technology [genetic engineering] faces our society with problems unprecedented, not only in the history of science, but of life on the Earth. … Now whole new proteins will be transposed overnight into wholly new associations, with consequences no one can foretell, either for the host organism or their neighbors. … For going ahead in this direction may not only be unwise but dangerous. Potentially, it could breed new animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer, novel epidemics.Currently 14 states have introduced legislation on genetically modified organism labeling, but most face government gridlock. So please, take action and keep foods safe (genetically engineered free) by contacting your representatives, as well as the FDA and the USDA, and tell them that you are demanding that genetically modified food must say so on a label. In addition, corn and cotton must not be deregulated. Without strict controls, as the ANH concludes, genetically engineered crops will encroach on non-genetically engineered crops, contaminating them and rendering the organic crops as non-organic.
The only real solution to prevent global food governance and our body’s consumption of genetically altered foods is to mandate the proper labeling of all foods, and to buy local and buy organic. By diminishing the supply and demand of imported and genetically engineered foods, we can diminish its tyranny at the borders of our bodies.
If mind reading technology like this is already being worked on within the public sector how advanced are the technologies kept from the public's eye? People in the know routinely theorize that the government and secret research and development projects are anywhere from twenty to fifty years in advanced of the public sector. How far are we into the matrix, and can we trust those who develop and fund these technologies with the abilities to read our thoughts. Freedom inevitably dies with such technologies.
Mind-reading car could drive you round the bend
- Sam Jones
Greece is at the center of the global economic system coming into its newest phase of operation. Never before within the history of the modern global economic system has there been a challenge such as the current situation in Europe (and on the horizon in the U.S.). Now we are seeing the brutal reality of how international bailouts and the IMF will actually work.
Since about the end of World War II there has been an economic system put into effect which theoretically is supposed to help prevent a situation like like the Great Depression which proceeded World War II. The International Monetary Fund was created with the goal of helping to prevent economic crises or help countries that find themselves in financial crisis. As the IMF orchestrates financial aid they do so at a price. The IMF will make demands of a country receiving aid in order to have a say in the rebuilding of the economy, hoping to prevent a future problem.
Greece now finds itself under the direction of the IMF and Europe in order to secure the loans needed to prevent defaulting. Although Greece is being praised for the amount of work in restructure and implementation of austerity measures Greek people are not so happy with the results. It has meant that the Greek people are forced to deal with whatever poverty inducing measures that are dictated to them. Massive protests have ensued. Due to the Greeks displeasure with being forced to live in poverty for what is mostly the fault of collusion between bankers and government aside from protests and riots there has been resistance to paying certain taxes that have been levied on them since the beginning of the crisis.
Greece's most recently has past a new property tax in order to fulfill its obligations to the IMF and Europe, which will ensure the release of more funds to continue to be able to pay their bills. The matter in which the tax will be collected is very controversial, and shows the kind of tactics which should expected when dealing with the IMF. The tax will be included in Greek energy bills. Tax evaders will therefore be faced with the possibility of having their power cut off.
Property tax
Mr Papandreou attended a media conference on Tuesday evening with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, where she said Germany wanted a strong Greece.
"We will do everything that is necessary for that," said Mrs Merkel, but added that Greece had to fulfil its obligations in order to keep the support of the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the EU Commission.
"Through the euro, we are closely bound together, and the weakness of one affects us all," she added.
Meanwhile the Greek parliament has passed a controversial new property tax bill, first announced earlier this month, that aims to boost revenues.
All 154 of the ruling Socialist PASOK party's deputies voted in favour of the measure, winning a majority in the 300-seat parliament.
The move will prove controversial among Greeks, with the extra tax to be paid through electricity bills to make it easier for the state to collect.
Anyone who does not pay the new tax risks having their power cut off. Read entire article
If we continue to try to prop up an economy that is beyond repair we are only feeding into the governments and bankers wishes. The loans of the IMF have to be paid back with interest. With compound interest policies factored in the IMF and banks involved have so much money to gain in the long term in exchange for some short term suffering. Few politicians will gain a lot off of such a crisis but for those politicians that crave power the crisis only serves them in justifying the ability to pass laws which will solidify the control of the economy and the lives of their citizens. The name of the game is the consolidation of ownership and power. Let the economies fall and rebuild it for ourselves. The more we feed into trying to fix the economies through the governments and institutions which they have established for us the more we play into the elaborate scheme which they were waiting for. Those who were at Bretton Woods, which created the IMF and much of the modern economy, envisioned the day that the institutions they created would grow into a global regulating and governing structure. As this plan comes to fruition our individual freedom and sovereignty dies.
The European Union was supposed to be a economic union, but they are working on taking this union one step closer to a massive integrated super state. World wars have been fought to stop such things.
Now the EU plans to impose its own criminal offences and punishments
Anyway, it's a frightening proposal because she is demanding the right to impose European-wide criminal offences and to set minimum sentences. And she's citing a 2005 ruling from the European Court of Justice along with the Lisbon Treaty to back up her right to implement the policy.
The court declared that the EU could impose its own criminal offences "where it is essential in order to facilitate the enforcement of EU law". But what is counted as EU law is about to massively expand.
We shouldn’t worry, apparently, because, according to Ms Reding, member states will retain an "important voice in the decision-making process" - although the decisions will actually be made at a European level.
Read entire article
On the heels of the earlier report about OnStar looking into your life now FaceBook has been caught doing the same. Through downloading cookies to your computer that send information back to Facebook, they have been caught tracking the websites you visit even when you are logged off.
Those of us who follow privacy rights have known for along time that websites such as FaceBook and Google keep records of their users behavior. There is a lot of money to be made for marketing research. With such websites connections to the government it is questionable whether or not this information that is gathered will be used for even more nefarious purposes. They have lied to us about these issues before, always claiming to not have done this. We should not be surprised if these practices to continue into the future. How do you think FaceBook funds it's huge operation? The selling of personal information is one of the biggest profitable ventures of the internet.
Like a farmer's need to know everything about their livestock so too does the government need to know everything about it's citizenry in order to control the herd of the public.
*On government interactions with such companies as FaceBook and Google, article coming soon about In-Q-Tel
'We didn't mean to track you' says Facebook as social network giant admits to 'bugs' in new privacy row
Facebook has admitted that it has been watching the web pages its members visit – even when they have logged out.
In its latest privacy blunder, the social networking site was forced to confirm that it has been constantly tracking its 750million users, even when they are using other sites.
The social networking giant says the huge privacy breach was simply a mistake - that software automatically downloaded to users' computers when they logged in to Facebook 'inadvertently' sent information to the company, whether or not they were logged in at the time.
Most would assume that Facebook stops monitoring them after they leave its site, but technology bloggers discovered this was not the case.
In fact, data has been regularly sent back to the social network’s servers – data that could be worth billions when creating 'targeted' advertising based on the sites users visit.
Read more:
Here is a very important outline of the components of world government that is now consolidating its power over all of us. This outline is a little dated (from 1996). There have been various treaties and agreements which could be added to this since it's first publication, but none of these concepts have been over turned, only added to and reinforced. It is originally from Joan Veon's United Nations' Global Strait Jacket.
"The Central Bank's Bank" |
GROUP OF TEN Group of Seven + Luxembourg, Switzerland, Holland, Sweden and Belgium (Comprises all of the major money centers of the world) |
GROUP OF SEVEN United States, Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Japan plus Russia |
THE UNITED NATIONS The countries left after the Group of Seven/Group of Ten - which are called the "G-77" - comprised of 122 of the remaining countries and considered developing countries |
implementing World Government
ENVIRONMENT Implementing the "Agenda 21" Plans for the Environment - Based on environmental conferences in 1972 and 1992 |
The UN Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, June 1992 --Established the UN Commission on Sustainable Development -- Agreed for a bold mandate for change-- to reorganize Western civilization - " --A number of non-legally binding agreements were signed for all types of forests, decertification and climate change along with biological diversity. around nature. IN THE FUTURE, ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WILL CHANGE TO CONFORM WITH THE ENVIRONMENT, i.e., if you have a "endangered specie" on your farm, you cannot farm your property. All rights are restricted to the government. | The concept of Sustainable Development basically says that there are too many people on planet Earth and that the population of the world must be reduced in order to have enough resources for future generations. The UN should be the global custodian of the earth and all of its resources. This means that we will be measured by how much we produce and how much we consume as found in the "family dependency ratio." Every person will be valued according to their usefulness. In addition, the UN will control the earth's resources--energy, water, food and so on. The concept of sustainable development can be found in the Communist Manifesto and the 1977 USSR Constitution. | Part of the Agenda 21 is Biodiversity which is a phrase coined to describe the variety of the genes, species and ecosystem found on our planet. It embraces all life forms, from plant and animal life to micro-organisms and the water, land and air in which they live and interact....Al Gore wrote in his book, Earth in the Balance, "We must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization,...use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of halt the destruction of the environment and to preserve...our ecological system." It was move 50% of the surface land in America into protected "ecosystems" There are 47 biospheres in the US occupying over 43.5 million acres of land. | The Senate did NOT ratify the UN Biodiversity Treaty, however, Bill Clinton, through Executive Order set up the President's Commission on Sustainable Development which is in the process of implementing the UN Biodiversity Treaty. This Treaty will move human beings by 2025 in to "protected islands" in which they will not be able to get out of or move from. These islands will be surrounded by corridors and buffer zones. There are many laws which are being passed that are moving, bit by bit, thousands of acres into "protected wildlife, heritage, and ecosystems." The chart on the following page lists only a few of the land redesignated in 1993-1994 103rd Congress. GloOver.1 Copyright 10/96, TWG, Inc. |
July, 1944
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire
Birthed at the UN Monetary Conference in 1944, this organization was originally suppose to make reconstruction loans to develop countries after the war. They made two of them and then changed their mandate. Today, they are orchestrating world economic globalization. They have added, besides a number of regional banks in Africa, Latin America and Asia, a loan guarantee company, and a company to establish stock markets around the world. In addition, they are an originator of loans to poor countries for development. There is much documented evidence that the World Bank is a heavy taskmaster and that Third World Countries cannot develop infrastructure because of the debt load. The Bank also is a leader in lending based on sustainable development and population reduction. | The purpose of this Fund was originally to help develop war torn Europe, however, today, they basically plan and orchestrate the economic development of countries of the world, looking to bring that development into harmonization and convergence with the UN's overall plans. The Group of Seven Finance Ministers have agreed to change the direction of the IMF and provide it with the powers of a "world central bank" (UN Human Development Report 1994). These include: (1) Stabilize global economic activity, (2) Lender of last resort of financial institutions, (3) Calm jittery financial markets, and (4) Create and regulate new international liquidity . The first three are being put into motion now after agreement at the 1996 G-7 meeting in France and the Spring IMF/World Bank Meeting. | Originally recommended at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, the U.S. Senate refused to ratify a "world trading body" in 1948. However, after much lobbying, the GATT was signed into law in the U.S. by a lame duck congress in December, 1994. On 1/1/95, GATT became the UN World Trade Organization. Lawmakers do not yet understand the extent of their actions when they signed the more than 25,000 page document. It is the goal of the UN to have a "world without borders." The WTO basically tears down tariffs, trade barriers and copyright laws in favor of the global good and "free trade." The WTO will be meeting in December at their first Ministerial Conference to determine fines (sanctions) for countries who do not implement their 25,000 pages of global rules. | Due to the globalization process which is taking place in the world today, basically every country has established a stock exchange. The International Conference on Security Commissions- -IOSCO in Montreal is working with the Bank for International Settlements to set up and become a "global regulatory agency" which basically makes it a "Global Security and Exchange Commission." They currently think of themselves as a "United Nations of Security Commissions." They recently held their 21st annual meeting in which they have adopted more global regulatory measures that will standardize the regulatory laws worldwide. This encompasses banks, security firms and exchanges as well as insurance companies. |
Population Reduction - Cairo, 9/94 | The Social Summit - Copenhagen, 3/95 | The Fourth Women's Conference - Beijing, 9/95 | Habitat II Conference, Istanbul, 6/96 | The Food Conference, Rome 11/96 |
Here the UN passed a very large "Programme of Action" to reduce the population in the world through "family planning clinics and education" under the auspices of International Planned Parenthood, one of their imminent grass-roots organizations. The women from the third world complained that all they could get from these clinics were condoms-- not even aspirin. | The Social Summit was held under t he guise of eliminating hunger, poverty and social disintegration, however, the real agenda was a world tax for the UN. This is still a goal, to find a source of funding which is "unlimited" as that they do not have to rely on contributions from member- states. Also, they recommended changes to the IMF, stated above and are pushing for their own voluntary army. These are goals that they have been working towards basically since their inception in 1945. | This conference, while wanting to change the definition of "family" to include homosexuality, had a hidden agenda under the feminine rhetoric and that is the replacement of national laws with those of international law and sustainable development economics which would measure the production and consumption of every person in the world. Hillary Clinton has a Women's Commission at the White House in which they are advancing the Beijing Agenda in the U.S. | This conference, did much to show the extent of the UN agenda. Instead of the heads of governments making their speeches to the UN, it was the ministerial level of every government which presented their goals on how they were going to conform with Habitat. The Habitat Agenda clearly and emphatically states that "personal property rights adds to injustice" and that they must be changed for the good of the public. Three mayors from U.S. cities were on the U.S. delegation. Kurt Schmoke from Baltimore said that he saw the participation of the grass roots level in the direct U.N. process as the "new wave of the future." | This conference, like others held before it in the 50's and 70's, is last in a series of mega- conferences in which the UN is going after the definition of family and population control, not to mention trying to control the food supply in the world. This conference along with the previous ones listed here is part of the overall push for world governance through the UN, negating in our case, the U.S. constitution and by- passing the House and the Senate. International law is comprised of the consensus obtained at these conferences. |
Gays in the military and women in combat. | One of the chief goals of the UN is a complete disarmament of the forces and defense capabilities of the member- states so that in the end, the UN is dominant. There have been a number of laws and policies passed by the U.S. Government toward this end. They are enclosed: (1) FREEDOM FROM WAR - This would place our military under foreign command. A copy of State Department Publication 7277 which became Public Law 87-297. A sheet on the 1988 U.S. code Book is also enclosed. (2) UPDATED AMENDMENT TO LAW 87-297 This is called the "Arms Control and Disarmament Amendments Act of 1989, copy enclosed. (3) List of Planks of the Communist Manifesto and their fulfillment in U.S. Law. (4) The giving up of part of Holaman Air Force Base to the Germans - foreign soldiers training in the U.S., including the Russians (5) The establishment of many "Joint Law Enforcement" Schools around the world. (6) The 40 points of terrorism agreed to by the G-7 in Lyon, France which would join and bring our law enforcement under a central foreign command. |
California is one of the most draconian states as far as vaccinations are concerned. There is currently a law on the governor's desk dealing with children being able to consent to their own HPV vaccinations. As the people of California (not the government) seem to be waking up to the dangers of vaccines, there is a recent news report from Natomas, California where a school nurse and official is going door to door in order to administer the Tdap ( tetanus, diphtheria , and pertussis) vaccine.
The media and school officials speak in a way to make it seem that all students must be vaccinated without exception, but there always have been ways to option out of any vaccination program. These door to door vaccination is an attempt to reinforce such preconceptions of mandatory vaccinations for a time where the governments may officially remove any opt out procedure. Students without proper vaccinations are told they will be kept from attending with the threat of eventual truancy if they miss too many days. This is an abuse through color of law because they don't ever tell the parents of all their options.
The medical tyranny is closing in on our schools. They desire to have full compliance to vaccinations. You have to wonder the reasons for such desires due to the massive contributions and rewards provided by the pharmaceutical industry to our politicians and schools.
If you ever want to opt out yourself you have to demand the paper work or regulations for declaring a religious or philosophical exemption.
Ask yourself, If all those who trust vaccines are vaccinated then what do they have to fear from those of us who do not agree with vaccinations? So leave those of us alone to take chances with our lives, and stand behind our convictions.
However not being the end all be all answer to economic woes, one of the only answers at the moment is Gold (gold and silver hoards of the governments and rich/powerful could be used to manipulate the markets at the same time if we go completely digital what good will it be). The problem with Gold is that it ejects you from the banker created/ government regulated economic system. Recent news coming from Europe harks back to the times in history when gold has been outlawed and confiscated from the public.
Under the guise of attempting to curb the sales of stolen metals France has passed a law to limit the amount of a metal that can be sold at one time. The law reads in translation as, “Any transaction on the retail purchase of ferrous and non ferrous (metals) is made by crossed check, bank or postal transfer or by credit card, not the total amount of the transaction may not exceed a ceiling set by decree. Failure to comply with this requirement is punishable by a ticket for the fifth class,” going on to confirm that any amount over €450 euros or $600 US dollars “must be paid by bank transfer”.
The problem here is that the law does not exclude such precious metals as gold. At the limit of €450 it is impossible in most circumstances to buy even a half an ounce of gold. For those who look to move their savings into precious metals will find it very difficult to do so with such a law. At the same time the details of the law make it where the transactions will have to be done through a type of a bank transfer. This opens them up to the ability of the government to be able to identify those who have gold in their possession.
There have been numerous times in history where gold sales or possession have been outlawed. In American history it is little known to most people that during the Great Depression possession of monetary gold was outlawed, and forced confiscation of existing gold through Roosevelt's executive order 6102 in 1933. We are in a depression regardless of what the mainstream media says. Especially with the growing anti-Federal Reserve movement in this country(example: occupy Wall Street) how far are we from our government taking the same drastic measures?
Here is a video of stock market and forex trader Alessio Rastani giving an interview on BBC about the realities of the current financial situation and who really runs the world. One of the few times you will ever here a honest hard hitting truth on a major media outlet. Enjoy his comments because unless they want us very very scared you will probably never see this guy on TV again.
Repost: Activist Post Deleted! Google Erases Popular Alternative News Source
by Zen Gardner
At mid-day on Friday, September 23, 2011, the popular alternative news blog,, was taken offline. Activist Post receives over one million views per month and has been hosted by Google’s Blogger since its founding in June 2010.
“We remain puzzled as to why Activist Post was erased completely by Google,” said chief editor and co-founder Michael Edwards. “When we tried to load our back-up file into our secondary Blogger account, that was blocked as well,” he added.
It remains unclear whether Google has acted to censor for their controversial reporting. Google is becoming somewhat notorious for clamping down on truth and liberty activists, of which Activist Post is known for.
“Clearly, this is a huge set back for us and the work we do,” said co-founder Eric Blair. “Our entire crew is working on resolving the issue and restoring the website. We certainly look forward to an explanation from Google.”
Activist Post will file an appeal with Google to restore the site in full, and asks their loyal supporters to make their voices heard as well. However, they also are seeking other hosting services to avoid these types of censorship issues in the future.
“We want to thank our loyal readers, contributors, and advertisers for being patient while we work this out. We plan to come on even stronger in face of this adversity,” Edwards said
Surgeons in America are possibly about to get a new set of guidelines as far as organ donation is concerned. If these new guidelines are adopted the definitions of death and patient rights will be redefined. In our modern society the rights of the individual are overshadowed by the rights and dictates of the experts. With the current organ donor regulations there are a number of tests and consents that need to be performed in order to confirm death before organs can be taken from a patient for donation. The new regulations being considered will destroy the rights of sick patients, and even possibly lead to undue deaths and (horrifically) organ harvesting. The question is how long will it take doctors to begin to weigh the benefits of the profits of an organ donation/transplant or struggling to keep a patient alive, possibly saving their life. The new guide lines would include:
- After the donor's heart has stopped surgeons will not have to wait to make sure it doesn't start beating again before removing organs
- Ban on considering anyone to be a potential donor before doctors and family members have independently decided to stop trying to save them will be eliminated
- Confirmatory tests will no longer have to be performed to assure the family and the hospital professional staff that the patient is dead
Surgeons won't have to wait to make sure a heart has stopped beating before harvesting organs under new guidelines
Surgeons retrieving organs to be transplanted just after a patient's heart has stopped beating will no longer have to wait to make sure it doesn't start up again if new proposals are adopted.At present when doctors are retrieving organs they have to wait at least two minutes to ensure it doesn't spontaneously start again.
Critics now fear seriously ill patients could be viewed more like tissue banks than sick people if the plans to change rules about organ donation go ahead.
That is poised to be eliminated if the plans by the group that co-ordinates organ allocation in the United States are adopted.
The proposed changes by the United Network for Organ Sharing, the Richmond nonprofit organization that coordinates organ donation under a contract with the federal government, are part of the first major overhaul of the 2007 guidelines governing “donation after cardiac death,” or DCD, which accounted for 6% of the 28,000 organs transplanted in 2010.
- After the donor's heart has stopped surgeons will not have to wait to make sure it doesn't start beating again before removing organs
- Ban on considering anyone to be a potential donor before doctors and family members have independently decided to stop trying to save them will be eliminated
- Confirmatory tests will no longer have to be performed to assure the family and the hospital professional staff that the patient is dead.
Critics, however, say the move heightens the risk that potential donors will be treated more like tissue banks than like sick people deserving every chance to live, or to die peacefully.
Michael A. Grodin, a professor of health law, bioethics and human rights at Boston University, said: 'This is another step towards this idea of hovering, hovering, hovering to get more organs. The bottom line is that they want to do everything they can to increase organ donation.'
It was drafted over a year by the 22-member UNOS organ procurement organization committee.
The UNOS board will convene in November in Atlanta to finalize the revisions, which include officially shifting the guidelines from 'model elements' to 'requirements.'
'We want the process to happen the way it’s supposed to happen to avoid any questions or problems,' Alexander said.
DCD had been the norm for organ donors before 'brain death' became the standard in the early 1970s. Since then, most donors have been brain-dead.
But as the number of people needing transplants rose, doctors in the 1990s began reviving what was then called 'non-beating heart' donation.
DCD has become a growing source of organs as the gap between the number of patients waiting for transplants and the number of available organs has widened.
About 6,000 Americans die each year while waiting for donated organs. There were almost 14,000 transplants between January and June this year with just under 7,000 donors.
The current waiting list for transplants stands at more than 112,000 people.
In one of the most disgusting displays of the realities of what government getting involved in the global warming issue brings us, thousands of poor Ugandans have been forcibly removed. The officials are saying that they left peacefully, but the words of the Ugandans themselves are starting to be heard, and it is not good. The aid organization Oxfam has recently reported on the fact that 20,000 Ugandans have been forcibly removed from their homes in recent years. Stories of children being shot, houses burned, and crops destoryed are coming from the villagers theemselves.
These evictions are being carried out on behalf of New Forest Corporation. The company buys licenses from African countries to grow forests in order to sell the carbon credits from the carbon in which their forests soak up. The idea is that other companies buy these offsets for the pollution that they produce. The New Forest Corporation have licenses in Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Rwanda. This issue is about a 50 year lease in 2005 for these lands in Uganda. This investment was believed to have the possibility of returns up towards $1.8 million per year. The only problem with this land was that there were still Ugandans living on the land. The interesting point about this company New Forest Corporation is that its largest owners is the World Bank and HSBC. They are accused of burning out homes, shooting resisters, and destroying crops in order to remove these innocent Ugandans. The New Forest Corporation denies these stories of violence as it sets up its newest headquarters in the only schoolhouse of one of the villages that was cleared out.
This is the sad reality of the environmental movement, and such treaties as Agenda 21 (and supplemental agreements). The rights of the people will be usurped in favor of nature or the corporations and organizations that claim the right to operate in the name of protecting nature. People will be kicked off their lands in order to consolidate populations into urban centers in the belief that humanity will do less damage to the environment if located only within the controlled urban environment instead of spread out over the land. There are numerous other results that also please those in control, but with the biggest message here is that you do not have the rights to your land if you are deemed to not be using it for the good of nature (very similar to the idea that native Americans were not using the land for good and must be removed). Now these villagers will be forced to move and most likely be subject to the labor and lifestyle of the cities instead of the freedom of the wilderness. As greater measures of land management spreads across the global our homes will be subject to certain environmental considerations as well. We may not be chased away at gun point, but will we be allowed to live where we please or will they find other economic and legal pressures to confine us more and more in the cities of America?
Read of the devastation and injustice done to innocent people whose only wrong was living in a forest:
In Scramble for Land, Group Says, Company Pushed Ugandans Out
Ugandan farmer: 'My land gave me everything. Now I'm one of the poorest'
As they are being protested in the attempt to occupy Wall Street the bankers sip their champagne in defiance of the protesters demands.
As you can see from the Cipriani Club at 55 Wall Street web site, these people are some of the elitists of Wall Street looking down at the protests.
We no longer think of the implications of the technology which we integrate into our lives. Most people have heard of the idea of Big Brother and the tracking of the society. One of the examples of technology watching us is through your car's OnStar device.Where at one time OnStar claimed to not share information with third parties you will see that is no longer the situation. You will see that you do not even need a plan with OnStar for some of this information to be collected. We are not humans with rights to privacy anymore but data to be collected for marketers and those who analyze our behavior.
A. What Information does OnStar collect?
The information we collect about you includes:
• your contact information, (including your name, address, telephone number and email address);
• your billing information (including your credit card number);
• information about the purchase or lease of your Vehicle, such as the vehicle identification number (VIN), make, model, year and date of purchase or lease and selling/preferred dealer; and
• other information that you voluntarily provide to us (such as your language preference, your license plate number and/or your emergency contact information).
The information we may collect from your Vehicle includes:
• information about your Vehicle’s operation, including such things as diagnostic trouble codes, oil life remaining, tire pressure, fuel economy and odometer readings;
• information about crashes involving your Vehicle, including the direction from which your Vehicle was hit, which air bags have deployed, and safety belt usage;
• information about your use of the Vehicle and its features, such as whether you have paired a mobile device with your Vehicle;
• information about when your Vehicle’s ignition is turned on or off and when your fuel is refilled; and
• in the limited circumstances listed below, the location and the approximate speed of your Vehicle based on the Global Positioning System (“GPS”) satellite network:
• when there is a request for Service (for example when you request driving directions);
• when there is an air bag deployment or automatic crash response (so we can inform emergency Service Providers);
• when there is a request for Stolen Vehicle Assistance (to assist law enforcement in the recovery of your Vehicle);
• when needed to protect the safety of you or others (for example, to locate a missing person);
• when needed by us or our Service Providers for our quality, research or troubleshooting purposes;
• as required by OnStar for the delivery of new or enhanced services that you have requested;
• as required by law; or
• for any purpose, at any time, provided that following collection of such location and speed information identifiable to your Vehicle, it is shared only on an anonymized basis.
If you use Hands-Free Calling minutes, we may obtain certain Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) such as call detail records, the number of minutes purchased, the date minutes were purchased, the number of remaining minutes, and their expiration date. We do not share CPNI information specific to you with third parties for their marketing purposes.
A. We share selected information with the following third parties:
• roadside assistance providers;
• emergency Service Providers;
• law enforcement or other public safety officials;
• our wireless Service Providers;
• your satellite radio provider;
• credit card processors;
• data management companies; and
• others as may be required to provide Service, to manage or operate the Data Connection, to protect the safety of you or others, or as required by law.
B. We may also share information we collect about you or your Vehicle with the following (this does not include the sharing, other than on an anonymized basis, of the location or speed of your Vehicle, or your safety belt usage or credit card information):
• your Vehicle Maker, to enable it to evaluate or research the safety, quality, usage and functionality of its vehicles, to contact you with important information about your Vehicle or for marketing purposes;
• our affiliates, to enable them to provide Service or the Data Connection, to evaluate or research the safety, quality, usage and functionality of the Equipment, Service or Data Connection, to contact you with important information about your Vehicle, or for marketing purposes;
• Vehicle dealers, to assist in servicing your Vehicle, or for marketing purposes;
• your satellite radio provider and our wireless Service Providers, to enable them to contact you with important information about your satellite or wireless services or for marketing purposes;
• third parties with whom we contract with to conduct joint marketing initiatives with OnStar;
• your fleet company, if you drive a Vehicle that is part of a fleet;
• your rental company, if you drive a rental Vehicle; and
• any third party, provided the information is anonymized
See the whole OnStar 2011 Privacy Statement here

- Ryan
- You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
What man is a man who does not make the world better?
Defy The Matrix
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Books to Read
- -1984
- -A Brave New World
- -Animal Farm
- -Bertrand Russell's Books
- -Brave New World Revisited
- -Carl Jung's Book
- -Cutting Throught the Matrix Vol. 1-3
- -Foundations: Their Power and Influence
- -Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World
- -Plato's writings
- -Political Ponerology
- -Propoganda
- -The Anglo American Establishment
- -The Coming Battle
- -The Republic
- -The Technological Society
- -Tragedy and Hope
- -United Nations Global Straight Jacket

The Editor in no way supports the views of most New Age beliefs that include things such as: an alien agenda past or present, reptilians, 2012 salvation/destruction, channeling, global warming/cooling........
*Note on the Occult: You may notice references to ideas within the realm of the occult. I do not support the practicing of occult meditations and magic, but there is a pure knowledge that is hidden within these philosophies. As with all higher knowledge, the higher you climb the more dangerous are the pitfalls. So please enter these truths with caution and only after acquiring an open mind and ample knowledge of the world.
The road of truth is littered with the bodies of those who have been enchanted by the sounds of the Siren's song.
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