Governments often times run a course of development, a type of an evolutionary cycle. In modern times most of the governments of the developed nations went through a phase that embraced the concept of the social contract between the governed and Government. At which point the public could lay claim to the highest levels of personal freedom and liberty.
In almost all cases the state of the law does not maintain but only continues to build from the point of establishing a satisfactory social contract with the people. As the piles of legislation begin to accumulate it is inevitable that there will come a time where in order to justify its own existence the government will begin to step outside of it's traditional defines role. Where once public safety, sanitation, and taxation was the domain of government now they dip their hands into every corner of their citizens lives. Protecting the people from every problem or pitfall that may come your way becomes Big Brother's business. As you can see the problems begin to grow.
In our case today the problems have grown to a point of such enormity that the government can no longer afford to fund all the solutions which they have offered us. This in turn has created a new crisis of money(no matter how orchestrated the problem has been by those in charge) which they have to offer a solution to. We are currently at the brink of the government losing the ability to fund all their ventures. People will lose money, Government may shut down, and credit ratings will go down causing massive economic ripples through America and the world. Congress can not decide on how to fix this massive economic problems, and time is running out for their to be a solution. It is times like these, where the social contract has been stretched to its max and crisis looms governments will take massive steps into dictatorial creeds.
Do to the fact that Congress can not agree to a solution the leadership of the political parties are contemplating a Super Congress. This would have a select group of 12 representatives pass legislation to be fast tracked through the legislative body in a time as crisis such as this. Yet another example of the people's voice being ignored completely. This government has dug this economic hole. Giving them more powers far outside of the Constitution is not the answer. This begins to look like the Communist system of rulings by committee.
The Super Congress answer arises at the same time that others are asking President Obama to invoke the 14th amendment and use the near dictatorial powers that was exercised under its evocation after the Civil War. Either way our way of life is deteriorating in the name of government getting its way with unlimited power and money. Their answer is to change the rules as they go along. Many of the worst examples of tyranny have used the same route to their fall as well. Just think, our depression isn't even as bad as what the Wiemar Republic had to deal with yet, and we may get their. We might only be seeing the beginning of what their answers are during real crisis.
By Eric W. Dolan
The House Judiciary Committee approved legislation on Thursday that would require Internet service providers (ISPs) to collect and retain records about Internet users' activity.
CNET reported the bill would require ISPs to retain customers' names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses for 12 months.
The bill passed by a vote of 19 to 10, and is aimed at helping law enforcement track down pedophiles.
"The bill is mislabeled," Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), a senior member of the panel told CNET. "This is not protecting children from Internet pornography. It's creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes."
The Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 (H.R. 1981) was sponsored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
“When investigators develop leads that might result in saving a child or apprehending a pedophile, their efforts should not be frustrated because vital records were destroyed simply because there was no requirement to retain them," Smith said Thursday.
"This bill requires ISPs to retain subscriber records, similar to records retained by telephone companies, to aid law enforcement officials in their fight against child sexual exploitation."
"Requiring Internet companies to redesign and reconfigure their systems to facilitate government surveillance of Americans' expressive activities is simply un-American. Such a scheme would be as objectionable to our Founders as the requiring of licenses for printing presses or the banning of anonymous pamphlets."
The bill is supported by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the National Center for Victims of Crime, the National Sheriff’s Association, the Major County Sheriff’s Association, the International Union of Police Associations and the Fraternal Order of Police.
The environmentalists and scientists have given us this green movement as a call to "save" the earth. It is almost entirely based on computer models (which can only give the answers in is programed to give, in other words computer programs can't think outside set parameters) that are fed to us mostly completely through selective channels. These scientists and environmentalists come from grant (pulled by their purse strings) funded sources. Their science has never stood up to true scrutiny, but this is never the issue because the issue is controlled by governments and mass media who present the issue in a way to put the burden of proof on "climate change" (climate is in a state of perpetual change) deniers. If their is no hard evidence of anthropogenic climate change(human caused climate change) this clearly has to be labeled as a faith (glaciers grow and retreat, waters rise and fall, and storm intensities wax and wan all through out time regardless of human activity).
This faith is having the holes put into it recently from some substantial sources. New NASA data is showing that the Earth is giving off far more heat than the global warming alarmists computer models have predicted. In short this means that human carbon emissions is not trapping heat in the atmosphere as is the main tenant of the anthropogenic global warming. If the earth is giving off larger amounts of heat than predicted the only source for any warming is the sun itself. Obviously the sun is well beyond the reach of the influence of basic human activity. That false assumption is the premise that is leading to everything from local and global governments to assume the right to control and regulate along with massive taxation of all resources and land.
The carbon is the scientific argument in the global warming debate, but the emotional debate (admittedly the preferred propaganda method) has revolved around the effects on the animals, namely the polar bear especially. Recently Charles Monnett one of the scientists who is responsible for putting the polar bear issue on the map has been put on leave and under investigation for integrity issues. As he is still under investigation we will watch this issue closely.
When you add up these problems and all the ones from the past involving things like climategate (you can find in old posts of mine) there is not enough evidence to make a case against what is to blame human activity for any kind of climate change there may be. If we allow them to blame human activity the governments will regulate us into a post industrial world where the resources are held in fewer hands for their own designs at the detriment of human development. Agenda 21 and all the Continuity of Government plans will take effect once humans are found guilty, and the experts will guide us because we failed to live outside of their guidance. Their tyranny will rise, and we will no longer live free and for ourselves. Stand up for truth and stay free.
In a speech he gave in front of the National Council of La Raza, Obama made it clear where he stands of immigration reform, and many other issues. Without getting into the debate about what would be proper immigration reform the important thing that was brought up was about how Obama would go about reform if he could. Obama told the council, "The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting, I promise you, not just on immigration reform. But that's not how our system works. That's not how our democracy functions".
Regardless of whether or not this is a desperate campaign speech trying to drum up Hispanic votes no president of this country should take such words lightly. As President he should have the utmost respect for the foundation principles of our country.The desire to circumvent the legislative branch of the government is the desire to ignore the supposed voice of the people.
This is just another example of the power hungry politician showing his true colors. Lets hope they are only words. If one day down the road these words become action with this President or another never forget there was a warning and we didn't take it seriously. Liberty must be guarded with vigor and relentlessness.
CNN: Obama: 'I need a dance partner' on immigration reform
However horrible to think of this being done to humans if you apply the same definition to livestock or a domesticated animal you clearly see the act of breeding. Most people go about their lives and see the day to day events that make up their personal drama or choice of entertainment. Life is nothing like this for those who live at a position of elite power in the world. When you have reached a level of true power and money your goals in life will be centered around the strategic planning of how to maintain and pass that power and wealth to your heirs. Most people can only think of power on the level of running a household or being the manager of a store or office. This is nothing like the level of power that is being referred to here. The kind of people that attain this level of power today and in the past find themselves within dynasties that run national politics, global politics, international businesses, international banking and etc...(the point being not local or flash in the pans) On this level planning takes place in the long term (also very very long term). Short term planning is only used to fulfill the much longer range goals. This also is very unlike the average person. Most people can not make plans for a few months let alone going beyond one's own lifetime. These people are at the level of using humans for the purposes of these long term goals. If you can broaden your sight to the range of these elites you can begin to see the use of breeding humans to help fulfill their plans.
The historical examples of this go back to the origins or slavery. Slave masters have always breed their slaves for the most desirable offspring. In another example, Plato wrote of the theories of breeding humans in The Republic. He explained the uses of breeding tall people for apple picker, short people for miners, and smart people for mathematicians. It is no coincidence that The Republic is one of the most popular must reads among the class of society that make up the elites of the world.
Just in the past, today they propagandize the problem of social welfare (a problem which was created by the elite themselves) to the point that many people get upset about the redistribution of their wealth in order to prop up the needy people of their societies. This is mixed with the myth of over population that has existed for some time but has built momentum in recent history. This has led to reemergence of eugenics under a different guise where people are once again calling for the control and regulation of population growth. This may seem acceptable to those who live in the crowded cities or to the "educated" classes in society not wanting to be held down by the "lower end" of society, but who determines those which are restricted by these regulations. People always mistakenly think that they are not the undesirable of society.
The perceived normal people of society never believe that they will eventually be seen as undesirable. Due to this weakness in our perception the people are left defenseless against those who plan beyond the vision of the average person. Even in American history there was thousands of people sterilized due to undesirable traits in the 20th century (1930's-1970's). Most Americans know nothing of this due to how unthinkable that this is to most of them. This blind spot leaves us all vulnerable to being the next to be told we can't have a family or eventually possibly worse.First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Eugenics is usually thought of only as a physical of racial cleansing or correction. If they desire certain physical traits they can breed humans for their desire. The Nazi's desired to try and eradicate undesirable races from their nation. Another issue to keep in mind is that once you open this door their may never be a limit to how far it can go. They may not come for you because you are healthy and have work, but how long until they begin to judge your thoughts. If you do not agree with the direction of the elites' plans wouldn't they want to exclude those problems from society. Ask yourself, If you were a very powerful politician or CEO wouldn't this power be the ultimate desire in order to insure your control?
The elite see eugenics as a type of religion for the elites(eugenics has existed in religion forever, but now it is the religion). Just like other religions their is the knowledge that those at the top of the hierarchy keep from the lower members. In their religion there is a need to perfect humans and help their "evolution". The elites, as experts in socialism, are the ones that are in the position to know what is best for humanity. In their minds the perfected humans prove that they are such by being within their ranks. People to easily fool themselves into believing that they are within this selective category of accepted humans. As they are the perfected humans, so is everyone else the workers to carry out these long term plans mentioned previously, and they will mold their workers to their task.
If you scour the elites writings you will find these ideas. Here is an article that outlines many of their quotes:
July 20, 2011 researcher Aaron Dykes analyzes top players in the global system who’ve called for Eugenics to become the new religion of the world state. Under the New World Order, individuals are relinquished of their freedoms and control over everything in society, including life and death, falls to the State. Note below where figures like White House science advisor John P. Holdren and Bertrand Russell discuss using an international authority to distribute food to the world, and withhold it from over-populated regions
ALBERT E. WIGGAM: “Had Jesus been among us, he would have been president of the First Eugenics Congress.” (The New Decalogue of Science, 1923)
JULIAN HUXLEY AND EUGENICS: Huxley said of Dean Inge’s dictum, “Eugenics is capable of becoming the most sacred ideal of the human race, as a race: one of the supreme religious duties” in his 1936 Galton lecuture that:
“I entirely agree with him. Once the full implications of evolutionary biology are grasped, eugenics will inevitably become part of the religion of the future, or of whatever complex of sentiments may in the future take the place of organized religion.” (Huxley 1936)SIR FRANCIS GALTON, FATHER OF EUGENICS: “It must be introduced into the national conscience, like a new religion. It has, indeed, strong claims to become an orthodox religious, tenet of the future, for eugenics co-operate with the workings of nature by securing that humanity shall be represented by the fittest races…. I see no impossibility in Eugenics becoming a religious dogma among mankind.” (Eugenics: Its Definition Scope and Aims, 1904)
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW (In response to Galton’s 1904 paper): I agree with the paper, and go so far as to say that there is now no reasonable excuse for refusing to face the fact that nothing but a eugenic religion can save our civilization from the fate that has overtaken all previous civilizations.
Charles B. Davenport, head of the Eugenics Records Office and director of the Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory, wrote a 1916 booklet also given as a lecture, entitled “Eugenics as a Religion” which included a 12 point creed. Further, the American Eugenics Society ran a sermon contest in 1926 paying prizes to religious leaders who best incorporated the tenets of the new religion in their Sunday sermons.
As former Constitution Party presidential candidate Michael Peroutka wisely observed, “The whole concept of New World Order is something else, it really says that the State is God.”
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW: “Under socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you like it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live you would have to live well.”
- George Bernard Shaw, “The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism” pg 470, 1928
BERTRAND RUSSELL: “The dependence of emotional disposition upon the ductless glands, said Mr. Russell , was a discovery of great importance, which would in time make it possible to produce artificially an disposition desired by Governments.” (Birth Control News, Feb. 1924; Quoted in G.K. Chesterton ‘Eugenics and Other Evils’)
BERTRAND RUSSELL: “Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. . . . It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fitche laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” (Impact of Science on Society, Page 50)
BERTRAND RUSSELL: “The social psychologist of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.” (Impact of Science on Society, 1953)
HENRY KISSINGER, NSSM #200: Curtailing food supplies to targeted states, in part to force compliance with birth control policies
“There is also some established precedent for taking account of family planning performance in appraisal of assistance requirements by AID [U.S. Agency for International Development] and consultative groups. Since population growth is a major determinant of increases in food demand, allocation of scarce PL 480 resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production. In these sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion.”
“Mandatory programs may be needed and we should be considering these possibilities now… Would food be considered an instrument of national power? … Is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth?”
BERTRAND RUSSELL: “To deal with this problem [increasing population and decreasing food supplies] it will be necessary to find ways of preventing an increase in world population. If this is to be done otherwise than by wars, pestilence, and famines, it will demand a powerful international authority. This authority should deal out the world’s food to the various nations in proportion to their population at the time of the establishment of the authority. If any nation subsequently increased its population it should not on that account receive any more food. The motive for not increasing population would therefore be very compelling. What method of preventing an increase might be preferred should be left to each state to decide.” (The Impact of Science on Society)
ECOSCIENCE (Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren) – Toward a Planetary Regime
“Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime—sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist… The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from DCs to LDCs, and including all food on the international market. The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.” (Page 942-3)
“If voluntary birth reduction methods did not work a nation might have to resort to ‘the addition of a temporary sterilant to staple food or to the water supply” – June 1972 Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist and author of The Population Bomb
BERTRAND RUSSELL: “I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout or to restrain the ambitions of nationalists. The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.” (Impact of Science on Society, p. 26)
Before the existence of express political compacts it was reasonably implied that the magistrate should govern with wisdom and Justice, but mere implication was too feeble to restrain the unbridled ambition of a bad man, or afford security against negligence, cruelty, or any other defect of mind. It is alleged that the opinions and manners of the people of America, are capable to resist and prevent an extension of prerogative or oppression; but you must recollect that opinion and manners are mutable, and may not always be a permanent obstruction against the encroachments of government; that the progress of a commercial society begets luxury, the parent of inequality, the foe to virtue, and the enemy to restraint; and that ambition and voluptuousness aided by flattery, will teach magistrates, where limits are not explicitly fixed to have separate and distinct interests from the people, besides it will not be denied that government assimilates the manners and opinions of the community to it. Therefore, a general presumption that rulers will govern well is not a sufficient security. — You are then under a sacred obligation to provide for the safety of your posterity, and would you now basely desert their interests, when by a small share of prudence you may transmit to them a beautiful political patrimony, that will prevent the necessity of their travelling through seas of blood to obtain that, which your wisdom might have secured: — It is a duty you owe likewise to your own reputation, for you have a great name to lose; you are characterized as cautious, prudent and jealous in politics; whence is it therefore, that you are about to precipitate yourselves into a sea of uncertainty, and adopt a system so vague, and which has discarded so many of your valuable rights. — Is it because you do not believe that an American can be a tyrant? If this be the case you rest on a weak basis; Americans are like other men in similar situations, when the manners and opinions of the community are changed by the causes I mentioned before, and your political compact inexplicit, your posterity will find that great power connected with ambition, luxury, and flattery, will as readily produce a Caesar, Caligula, Nero, and Domitian in America, as the same causes did in the Roman empire. -George Clinton, Letter V, The New-York Journal, November 22, 1787
As one of the founding fathers George Clinton found himself on the anti-federalist side of the constitutional debate because of his concern s dealing with the checks on the powers of the government. You can also see from this excerpt that he feared that the American attitudes would change, as the political climate would with it. He describes brilliantly here how the governments interests will separate from the people's will. Let me reiterate again the most important line.
...opinion and manners are mutable, and may not always be a permanent obstruction against the encroachments of government; that the progress of a commercial society begets luxury, the parent of inequality, the foe to virtue, and the enemy to restraint; and that ambition and voluptuousness aided by flattery, will teach magistrates, where limits are not explicitly fixed to have separate and distinct interests from the people....In the wisdom of a man who has studied and witnessed tyranny first hand he has also warned that Americans are not above the faults of the past. Man, as a whole unit, is the same in any place or any time, and will readily produce a tyrant for our times if we allow the greedy power hungry to reign supreme.
These warnings echo down to us through time and fades on the ears of modern man. The luxury of our times have opened the gap between interests of the government and the governed. In George Clinton's warnings about this was a begging for a proper checks and balances system to ensure the adherence to the principles behind the struggle to throw off the chains of the British government. This has been a struggle all through out our history. From the arguments of the anti-federalist vs federalists, Jefferson's land acquisitions, Lincoln's near dictatorial rule, FDR's New Deal, Bush's suspension of habeas corpus, to Obama in our current financial crisis. Now in our time this system is breaking down. In the new millennium, accelerating with Obama the executive is exerting its powers in the government to a near monarchical level with virtually no checking of its power from either of the other branches of government.
As previously stated, there has been numerous examples of how the office of the presidency has over stepped the limitations originally set for by the constitution. The decisions of the office have begun to be revered as if that of a monarch. At one time it was the job of Congress to legislate and the executive to find the best way to execute the laws they pass. In recent times the congress has been regulated to an equal, if not lower, position in legislation as the office of the president. The most recent story that prompted this article is Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) floating the possibility of a plan to allow the President to have the power to deal with the current debt ceiling situation. This clearly would go against the parts of the Constitution which gives the power to Congress to pay the debts and set the budget (Article I section 8). Public attention caused the idea to be squashed, but the principle behind such plan goes against everything that was intended by separating the branches of government. Virtually all the tyrannies of history have taken this same step. Money is power.
Executive orders have been a way for the President to push the limits of the authority of the office for a long time. In the fear of crisis and chaos the President has been allowed to rule by decree (much like the monarchs previous centuries).Recently Obama has used these executive orders to restructure massive parts of the government while giving no consideration to Congress. Obama set up a whole new government council named, The Council of Governors. Through this council of 10 selected state governors the national security and defense agencies of the federal government will integrate and partner with state governments on various initiatives. With a stroke of his pen the President bypasses Congress and 40 of the states governors in issues that are remapping the relationship between federal and state in ways that are not provided for in the constitution nor have been amended to provide for since then.
On the subject of executive order dictating major changes in the federal government, The Rural Council is another council that Obama has established recently. It is to integrate numerous federal agencies to go into rural America and dictate the way that rural America will do business and develop (with an eye towards big business' interests being looked after) agriculture. To quote the order itself,
“Coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America.”On a slightly different issue, Obama has expanded America's military rule in the world since he took office (as it has been continually expanding since the World Wars). Many people would question the legitimacy of many of the military actions that America has taken in the last seventy years due to the lack of Congress' declaration of war, but the most recent situation in Libya has a slightly different issue. While congress never issued any decision for action to be taken in Libya Obama took the consolations and decisions of the UN as all the authority he needed. The extent to which the military will be involved in Libya is still yet to be seen out to the end, but as there is debate over the possibility of using ground forces (and numerous hints to the planning of further action somewhere in that region) Obama is going far beyond his statement of a short kinetic action into the realm of participating in a war. The question is which is worse, stepping on the Congress' war powers act or as president taking direction from the UN over the elected representatives of Congress?
This is only a minute list of the examples of how the office of the Presidency has been overstepping the parameters of the duties to which the office was given. The FCC is attempting to take control of the internet with or without Congressional approval. The EPA looks to enforcing draconian environmental regulations with or without Congress. The FDA also is starting to enforce restrictions against natural foods and supplements. This is not an attempt to bash Obama because each President has whittled away at the confines that the constitution gave to the Presidency. If allowed to go unchecked eventually the Presidency will chip away at those confines to the point at which the monarch of old will emerge from within (as they always do).
Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.- Plato
Little brother's warning signs that Big Brother is here
Posted by Ryan in big brother, governance, tyranny
The signs of a rapidly changing landscape of American government are showing up all over. Our attention is usually focused on issues of pop culture or if we do follow pertinent it is usually on at least the national level. Lately there has been a series of issues that come from the local governments in America, which are showing that the dream that once was is no more at home in our country. The governments of our land are encroaching on the liberties of it citizens on an ever increasing pace.
There was a time when for the most part Americans were left alone to do as they please as long as they do not harm other people or break major laws. This breed the American ingenuity and individualistic spirit that once permeated this land. For the last couple of decades this has changed as all levels of government in America have been passing laws to regulate every aspect of American life. They have gone largely unnoticed due to the lack of enforcement associated with these petty laws. Whether it is the age of information that the internet has brought upon us or the removal of little brother's velvet glove a major issue is now having the ugly light of attention cast upon it.
Some stories of local government make headline news, and recently the occurrence is increasing more and more every month and week. There have been a couple instances of lemonade stands being such down this summer where police cite the need for children to acquire business permits. In some cases the local authorities go as far as to levy fines against children for improper business operations (which after public attention and outcry are dropped in some cases). These used to be the training ground for Americas future business entrepreneurs but they are now stifled by code enforcers and a decade or more of trained mindless obedience.
Another recent case of code enforcing taken to an extreme comes from New York City. A man was fined $2,000 for failure to water his beehive. Yet again the fine was dropped once there was public attention brought to the case.
From Michigan we find a situation where the town shows themselves to be filled with bullies because a woman is being harassed for growing a garden in her front yard. Julie Bass was facing 93 days in jail due to her refusal to remove a vegetable garden from the front of her house. Again, after considerable public attention the charges are no longer being pursued. In the classic case of bullying gone awry the town is now coming after her for an equally petty infraction of having dogs without acquiring a license.
It is at this point that we start to see what the heart of the problem is. Once we were a land that was governed by our elected servants. Now we have come to be governed by officials and authorities. A simple trick of word play have given rise to a different class of politicians and bureaucrats. This leads to the power hungry manipulators and corrupt politicians(which are almost passé to us now a days) to search out these vulnerable positions of power (the masses are so trusting to someone with the right wit and charm). Due to this all levels of government have changed.
The lesson here is to understand that we are no longer ruled by government, but by the rules of governance. Governance is the the exercise of political authority and the use of institutional resources to manage society's problems and affairs. This has nothing to do with a governmental body to make sure that the garbage is collected and crime doesn't take over our cities. This is management of our lives and society by those who believe they are the experts and authorities over how we should live (knowing better than you do about whats good for yourself). Depending on the motivations for the government that is regulating your front yard, your right to make money, your pets, your lives it is called socialism, communism, fascism..... by any name it is all just tyranny and oppression. We have seen the outcomes of walking these paths in every dystopian movie or novel we have ever written. If only they could have been stopped before these snowballs gains too much momentum. These are the warning signs (sadly we seem very far beyond warning signs). This battle has been fought in government for centuries, but it seems that this battle is being lost on all levels in America.
We have come to the age of governance in America and the world. In this age the experts will tell you the best way to live for order and sustainability. If we do not identify the control freaks that now ascend the steps of our government buildings it will be harder to resist their calls for order as the chaos of the modern world increases every day.We get lost in the speed of our everyday lives and heaps of useless entertainment, but we need to stop and realize it wasn't like this not so long ago. If we want it it doesn't have to be like this now. Stand up for your neighbors if code enforcers single them out. If government singles people out for petty reasons the door begins to squeak open for much graver labels to be handed out in the near future.
They came for my neighbors garden, next they may come for my ideas.
When the power hungry get to their positions of power they will seek to punish those who defy their undue authority in order to secure their position from challengers.
I will continue to explore the growth of governance replacing what is our government in future posts.
The Sovereign Independent
Alan Watt's Cutting Through The matrix
Alan Watt is a brilliant researcher that attempts to tie together the bigger picture without the usual concerns of daily headlines and mainstream media pop culture headlines. To truly understand the breadth and depth of the mechanisms that are engineering our society in our time and the past Alan is essential.
The UN plan is finally starting to see the light of day. Is it too late?
Posted by Ryan in environmentalism, planned society, UN
"The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
- Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations
But I’d say Bolton was being too modest in his aspirations. Far too modest. I’d suggest that if we lost all 38 stories the benefits to mankind would be almost incalculable. Right now, indeed, it’s likely that the United Nations poses a far greater threat to Western Civilisation and the world’s economic future than Al Qaeda does. Have a glance at its latest report World Economic And Social Survey 2011 – and you’ll see what I mean.
The report argues that over the next 40 years our governments must spend an annual minimum of $1.9 trillion – that’s an eyewatering $76 trillion – steering the global economy onto the path of “green growth.”
But “Green growth” – as the report more or less acknowledges – is an oxymoron. That’s why, even though it was supervised by an alleged economist, Dutchman Rob Vos, the report is not at all ashamed to advocate limiting economic growth through rationing, punitive taxation and other forms of government intervention. Why? To combat “Climate Change”, of course.
Here’s the kicker:
“Hence, if, for instance, emission reduction targets cannot be met through accelerated technological progress in energy efficiency and renewable energy generation, it may be necessary to impose caps on energy consumption itself in order to meet climate change mitigation in a timely manner. Proposals to put limits on economic growth can be viewed in this context.” (P.19)And if shaving off $1.9 trillion from the world economy each year (that’s 3 per cent of the world gross product in 2010) results in further economic stagnation and a lower standard of living for our children and grandchildren, well what the hell. As the report primly tells us, none of us actually needs to earn more than $10,000 a year. Anything more is greedy:
“For example, taking life expectancy as an objective measure of the quality of life, it can be seen that life expectancy does not increase much beyond a per capita income of about $10,000. Similarly…cross-country evidence suggests that there are no significant additional gains in human development (as measured by the human development index) beyond the energy-use level of about 110 gigajoules (GJ) (or two tons of oil equivalent (toe) per capita.”Are they seriously suggesting that developed economies should ration their people’s energy use? They surely are:
“The Survey estimates that the emissions cap would be equivalent to primary energy consumer consumption of 70 gigajoules per capita per year, which means that the average European would have to cut his or her energy consumption by about half and the average resident of the US by about three quarters.”So, instead of being able to enjoy a hot shower every day all you Americans, you’ll now confine your warm ablutions to weekends only. Same goes for air-con in summer. And heating in winter. Welcome to the New Green World Order.
What’s amazing about this stuff – and believe me, there’s plenty more where this came from – is the unblushing shamelessness with which it advocates this economic insanity. Here is the world’s most powerful intergovernmental institution essentially arguing for the destruction of the global economy, enforced rationing, Marxist wealth redistribution, greater regulation, the erosion of property rights and global governance by a new world order of technocrats and bureacrats. And being so upfront about it they actually issue press releases, telling us what they’re planning to do and encouraging us to write about it.
This is the thing that amazed while I was researching my book Watermelons. If the global green movement is any kind of conspiracy, then it’s a conspiracy in plain sight. The people in power who are advancing its agenda – be it President Obama’s house eco-activists John Holdren and Carol Browner, Green MP Caroline Lucas, and all those faceless apparatchiks at the UN and the EU – make absolutely no bones about what it is that they want to do to save the world from the peril of “Climate Change”: the end of Industrial Civilisation.
Which might be just about understandable if the crisis we were facing were so great that only the most extreme measures would suffice. But the crisis they describe is non-existent. As I argue in the second half of my book, economic growth and true environmentalism – as opposed to the sick, bastardised, warped, hair-shirt perversion of it currently being dumped on us by the Greenies – go hand in hand.
As economies grow richer, so they have more money to set aside for cleaner rivers, fresher air, as well as to invest in R & D projects for ever more eco-friendly forms of energy. It’s no coincidence that quite the worst environmental damage in the last century was done in those countries behind the Iron Curtain. Free market economies tend naturally to be cleaner and healthier because clean and healthy is what people choose anyway if they can afford it. They don’t need government to step in and take their money in order to spend it inefficiently trying to achieve something which would have happened quite naturally anyway.
What this ludicrous UN report is advocating is the exact opposite of what the world needs if it is to become genuinely greener. All those people in the developing world, if they’re to live healthier, less environmentally damaging lives the very last thing they need is hand-outs from richer economies. What they need is property rights and free trade and the chance to grow their economy to the point where – cf the Kuznets Curve – they can afford the luxury of having to breed fewer children and to heat and light their homes without having to chop down the nearest trees. What they also need for us in the rich West to have thriving economies in order that we can import more of their produce.
Rationing and limits to growth are not the answer. The UN is a menace and we listen to its eco-fascist ravings at our peril.
“The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community’, which he defined as people ‘who believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality’. I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors.. and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’ ” -Ron Suskind, The New York Times, 17 October 2004.
This is from an article where the journalist was speaking to a Republican party aide to then President Bush. Just realize that people like this do not make mistakes like this. Their job is to speak and advise the president's on how to communicate his message. This was obviously a thought out message and not a slip of the tongue. If you can understand that also understand what it means to be an Empire. This word is no accident either. He is not at a loss for terms to make this message sound more wholesome. To be an aide part of your job is spin. This being said, in an Empire there is no room for political party bickering. Those at the top of the parties are these actors as this aide says. They are putting on the play for you to study and gripe about. Only until you can bring yourself up to the point of seeing how the play is directed you will always be playing this game of catch up.
Scheherazade has taught these people well. Just as in that story if we would only snap out of the constant spin and story telling the people would be back in control again ruling our own lives (I in no way endorse the killing of numerous consecutive virgin wives, if you understand the allusion). This creation of reality for the plebs are the skills they keep locked up for themselves behind their ivy coated walls and columned facades. Rise up to their level and begin analyzing and seeing the path before us instead of reacting and stumbling from one prescribed path or solution to the next. Otherwise we continue to be merely props in their play and pawns for the sacrificing.
*Read Plato's Republic! This is exactly what he explains.
It has been around a year and a half since I posted to this website. I am going to attempt to revitalize my attempt at working on this site.
I have been posting a lot of my thoughts on a Facebook page that I have had. It has been rather unsuccessful for getting reactions, so now I will return to this medium. Times are as dire as ever. At bare minimum we need to keep talking so that the truth does not drown in the flood of chaos and crises we are now facing. Amongst this flood is the most dangerous of situations due to the fact that we become mailable and easily swept up in the changing times. We must hold our ground or else we will lose more than you could possible ever imagine. I am not trying to strike fear into people but the very fabric of what makes us humans as we know it today is at take. Now is the time!

- Ryan
- You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
What man is a man who does not make the world better?
Defy The Matrix
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Books to Read
- -1984
- -A Brave New World
- -Animal Farm
- -Bertrand Russell's Books
- -Brave New World Revisited
- -Carl Jung's Book
- -Cutting Throught the Matrix Vol. 1-3
- -Foundations: Their Power and Influence
- -Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World
- -Plato's writings
- -Political Ponerology
- -Propoganda
- -The Anglo American Establishment
- -The Coming Battle
- -The Republic
- -The Technological Society
- -Tragedy and Hope
- -United Nations Global Straight Jacket

The Editor in no way supports the views of most New Age beliefs that include things such as: an alien agenda past or present, reptilians, 2012 salvation/destruction, channeling, global warming/cooling........
*Note on the Occult: You may notice references to ideas within the realm of the occult. I do not support the practicing of occult meditations and magic, but there is a pure knowledge that is hidden within these philosophies. As with all higher knowledge, the higher you climb the more dangerous are the pitfalls. So please enter these truths with caution and only after acquiring an open mind and ample knowledge of the world.
The road of truth is littered with the bodies of those who have been enchanted by the sounds of the Siren's song.
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