Look what we allow to be done to ourselves. These tactics can be used against anyone now that they've done it and got away with it. "Political parties" changes police tactics don't from one election year to the next. Will you be on the wrong side next?
Don't let this continue!
Say we deserve more respect from the people we pay for!
Small groups of people gathered to oppose the governments of the world coming closer to a world union. The more that world leaders decide things in councils the less your voice ever will count. These few protesters were met with a military style reponse. The Pittsburgh PD was supported by all forms and levels of authority in America. From local police to military and national gaurd accompanied by all levels of the justice department were in operation. According to the orginal meaning of the Posse Comitatus Act this should be illegal.
We are truly showing the colors of tryanny!
How can scientists who know all these facts still make these horrible vaccines? Why would this be allowed to happen? What is the purpose to go out of the way to pick toxic ingredients? We are so foolish to trust so blindly.
Here is some proof that they do put mercury in a commonly given vaccine. This doesn't even explain other ingredients that also go into making these vaccines. There are many adjuvants that go into these vaccines which are not listed here. Every vaccine is different. The new swine flu vaccine seems to be worse than most, as you can see by looking back at posts that I have put up. Also notice the risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrom. This happened back in the 70's with the last swine flu scare and vaccine.
Watch this video
This stunning censored interview conducted by medical historian Edward Shorter for WGBH public television (Boston) and Blackwell Science was cut from The Health Century due to its huge liability--the admission that Merck drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide.
Here is some proof as to the effects that the last swine flu scare and vaccination. History repeats......
Here is an explanation of adjuvants.
A Glimpse into the Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants
By Edda West - Published in VRAN Newsletter - Winter 2005
Adjuvants are formulated compounds, which when combined with vaccine antigens intensify the body's immune response. They are used to elicit an early, high and long-lasting immune response. "The chemical nature of adjuvants, their mode of action and their reactions (side effect) are highly variable in terms of how they affect the immune system and how serious their adverse effects are due to the resultant hyperactivation of the immune system. While adjuvants enable the use of less *antigen to achieve the desired immune response and reduce vaccine production costs, with few exceptions, adjuvants are foreign to the body and cause adverse reactions", writes Australian scientist Viera Scheibner Ph.D.
Read entire article
I was thinking of getting out all my Bertrand Russell books and doing the same thing, but then I found this......
An Earl’s insight of the dependent citizen
Elitist Bertrand Russell, 3rd Earl Russell (1872-1970), was a Nobel Prize winner, worked on the education of young children and an award winner of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. A highly respected man by the excessively rich dominant minority. He held views about the middle and lower classes some might describe as inhumane and others as psychopathic. His obsession on studying human behaviour to better utilise human resources did lead to him publishing insightful if not troublesome realities of human psychology.
The domesticated and dependent city citizen
Page 44 of his book The Impact of Science on Society (1952) (ISBN0-415-10906-X):
“In industry, the integration brought about by scientific technique is much greater [than agriculture] and more intimate.Page 40 of The Impact of Science on Society (1952) :
“One of the most obvious results of industrialism is that a much larger percentage of the population live in towns than was formerly the case. The town dweller is a more social being than the agriculturist, and is much more influenced by discussion. In general, he works in a crowd, and his amusements are apt to take him into still larger crowds. The course of nature, the alternations of day and night, summer and winter, wet or shine, make little difference to him; he has no occasion to fear that he will be ruined by frost or drought or sudden rain. What matters to him is his human environment, and his place in various organisations especially.
“Take a man who works in a factory, and consider how many organisations affect his life. There is first of all the factory itself, and any larger organisation of which it may be a part. Then there is the man’s trade union and his political party. He probably gets house room from a building society or public authority. His children go to school. If he reads a newspaper or goes to a cinema or looks at a football match, these things are provided by powerful organisations. Indirectly, through his employers, he is dependent upon those from whom they buy their raw material and those to whom they sell their finished product. Above all, there is the State, which taxes him and may at any moment order him to go and get killed in war, in return for which it protects him against murder and theft so long as there is peace, and allows him to buy a fixed modicum of food.”
“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology. This study is immensely useful to practical men, whether they wish to become rich or to acquire the government. It is, of course, as a science, founded upon individual psychology, but hitherto it has employed rule-of-thumb methods which were based upon a kind of intuitive common sense. Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called ‘education’.”Page 187 of Bertrand Russell’s other book The Scientific Outlook (1931):
“From the technique of advertising it seems to follow that in the great majority of mankind any proposition will win acceptance if it is reiterated in such a way as to remain in the memory. Most of the things that we believe we believe because we have heard them affirmed; we do not remember where or why they were affirmed, and we are therefore unable to be critical even when the affirmation was made by a man whose income would be increased by its acceptance and was not backed by any evidence whatever. Advertisements tend, therefore, as the technique becomes perfected, to be less and less argumentative, and more and more merely striking. So long as an impression is made, the desired result is achieved.Page 191 of The Scientific Outlook (1931):
“For scientific purposes I suggest the following experiment. Let two soaps, A and B, be manufactured, of which A is excellent and B abominable; let A be advertised by stating its chemical composition and by testimonials from eminent chemists; let B be advertised by the bare statement that it is the best, accompanied by the portraits of famous Hollywood beauties. If man is a rational animal, more of A will be sold than of B. Does anyone, in fact, believe that this would be the result?
“On the whole, the Soviet Government and the Communist religion are those which hitherto have best understood the use of advertisement. They are, it is true, somewhat hampered by the fact that most Russians cannot read; this obstacle, however, they are doing their best to remove.“
“Modern inventions and modern technique have had a powerful influence in promoting uniformity of opinion and making men less individual than they used to be.Page 190 of The Scientific Outlook (1931):
“A newspaper with a large circulation can hire the most expensive legal talent to defend it against libel suits, and can often conceal from all but serious students its misstatements of facts.
“In a suburban train in the morning, one man may be reading the Daily Mail and another the Daily Express, but if by some miracle they should fall into conversation they would not find much divergence in the opinions they had imbibed or in the facts of which they had been informed. Thus for reasons which are ultimately technical and scientific, the newspapers have become an influence tending to uniformity and increasing the rarity of unusual opinions.”
“Education has two very different purposes; on the one hand it aims at developing the individual and giving him knowledge which will be useful to him; on the other hand it aims at producing citizens who will be convenient for the State
“Among those who are not well paid credulity is more advantageous to the State; consequently children in school are taught what they are told and are punished if they express disbelief. In this way a conditioned reflex is established, leading to a belief in anything said authoritatively by elderly persons of importance.
“the State does not aim at producing a scientific habit of mind, except in a small minority of experts, who are well paid, and therefore, as a rule, supporters of the status quo.”
Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty. - Plato, from The Republic
Why does anyone need to keep track of who gets vaccines? We are so used to the idea of officials needing know everything about everything with statistics on everything, that we don't realize that this is so unnecessary. Why would you want to track these people? A person that is vaccinated should be safe from the flu. No need to come rescue them. No need to track. Unless you believe it may harm them and they would need treatment or medical monitoring. Maybe? We have already seen all the nasty things that are going into this swine flu vaccine.
Now there is another group of people that you might want to single out by doing this; the un-vaccinated. Why would you want to do that? One thought might be to give them immediate medical care in case the epidemic sweeps through rapidly. Well, the sick will seek help when and from whom they desire to get treatment from in a free country.
It could also be to identify the un-vaccinated as threats to the healthy. If we are going to draw the line at who has been vaccinated and those who haven't, IS IT NOT TRUE THAT ALL THOSE WHO ARE VACCINATED WILL BE SAFE FROM ALL THOSE WHO ARE POTENTIALLY SICK FROM THE DISEASE THEY ARE VACCINATED AGAINST? Here in lies that problem with the possibility of mandatory to get a vaccination. The disease is only a possibility. The vaccine is experimental and untested thoroughly. Why should you make anyone take this risk they are not willing to take if all those who do will be safe? What is it about this vaccine or any they make mandatory.
If this plan comes here and I refuse to get the vaccine, I guess I won't be getting my bracelet. Maybe I will be getting a yellow Star of David patch to wear instead. Then maybe the trains will come to take all us brave people to a nice country retreat. Oh wait......that story sounds so familiar.......
Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but the tools of tyranny and genocide are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS the same.
Boston launches flu shot tracking
City to pinpoint areas of low rates of vaccination
The resulting vaccination map would allow swift intervention in neighborhoods left vulnerable to the fast-moving respiratory illness.
The trial starts this afternoon, when several hundred people are expected to queue up for immunizations at the headquarters of the Boston Public Health Commission. Each of them will get a bracelet printed with a unique identifier code. Information about the vaccine's recipients, and the shot, will be entered into handheld devices similar to those used by delivery truck drivers.
Infectious disease specialists in Boston and elsewhere predicted that the registry approach could prove even more useful if something more sinister strikes: a bioterrorism attack or the long-feared arrival of a global flu epidemic. In such crises, the registry could be used to track who received a special vaccine or antidote to a deadly germ.
"Anything you can do to better pinpoint who's vaccinated and who's not, that's absolutely vital," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy at the University of Minnesota
read entire article
When government begins to dictate spending and patient care regulations through laws and providing their own standard in health care doctors and hospitals are forced to take extreme measures to meet expectations from the government while still stuffing everyone's wallet. This leads to spending consideration and reallocation of scarce resources to more useful areas. This leads to even more insidious methods but for now here is an example happening now....
Report warns doctors snub families of the terminally ill amid growing use of 'death pathway'
Last updated at 9:11 AM on 15th September, 2009
Experts warn that growing use of a controversial 'death pathway' is seeing some patients killed off prematurely.
They say the system can lead to 'backdoor euthanasia' by encouraging doctors to deny fluids and drugs to those deemed to be in their final throes.
About 20,000 patients are thought to die this way each year.
But a national audit of the scheme found that 28 per cent of relatives were not informed that a loved one had been placed on the pathway.
Researchers from the Royal College of Physicians and the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool obtained details of almost 4,000 patients treated on the scheme last year.
Thirty-nine per cent suffered from cancer, while others had conditions such as pneumonia, stroke, organ failure and dementia. The average age of patients was 81 and they were typically on the pathway for 33 hours before death.
More than a third were given sedatives, and four out of five either did not need intravenous medication or fluids, or had them withdrawn. The study found that 76 per cent of families were told that a loved one 'had entered the dying phase'.
Read the entire article
Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines Part III: ‘It’s the vaccines, Stupid! By F. William Engdahl | |
Global Research, September 13, 2009 | |
Vaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers have been experimenting with nanoparticles as a way to “turbo charge” vaccines for several years. Now it has come out that the vaccines approved for use in Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles in a form that reportedly attacks healthy cells and can be deadly. There is only one small problem with vaccines containing nanoparticles—they can be deadly and at the least cause severe irreparable health damage. Nanoparticles, promoted in the mass media as the new wonder revolution of science, are particles that have been produced vastly smaller than deadly asbestos particles which caused severe lung damage and death before being outlawed. Particles at a nano size, (nm = 0,000000001 Meter) fuse together with the membranes of our body cell membranes and, according to recent studies in China and Japan, continuously destroy cells once introduced into the body. Once they interact with the body’s cellular structure, they cannot be removed. Modern medicine euphemistically terms the phenomenon, a continuing infectious reaction. Since the asbestos scandal, it has been established that particles in size a millionth of a meter, because of their enormous attractive force, penetrate all cells, destroying all those they come into contact with. Nanoparticles are far smaller than asbestos fibers. |
I am glad to see Americans take a step in the right direction. The voices have to stay untied in the cause for human decency and freedom. We are all unique individuals, and no one has the right to put a government with laws, rules, and responsibilities over your life. We need to stay focused on the true idea of freedom from all forms of tryanny.
A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'
Last updated at 6:59 AM on 14th September 2009
The size of the crowd - by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January - shocked the White House.
Demonstrators massed outside Capitol Hill after marching down Pennsylvania Avenue waving placards and chanting 'Enough, enough'.
Demonstrators waved U.S. flags and held signs reading 'Go Green Recycle Congress' and 'I'm Not Your ATM'.'
The protest on Saturday came as Mr Obama took his campaign for health reforms on the road, making his argument to a rally of 15,000 supporters in Minneapolis.
Here is the speech that got JFK killed. It is hard to tell the details, but it certainly was taboo to speak of such things about the world. JFK may have believed he was actually President. He may have actually believed that he could change things for the better, and make things in his own image.
Full Speech with commentary from Alan Watt:
UN wants new global currency to replace dollar
The dollar should be replaced with a global currency, the United Nations has said, proposing the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since the Second World War.
By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor Published: 6:45PM BST 07 Sep 2009It added that the present system, under which the dollar acts as the world's reserve currency , should be subject to a wholesale reconsideration.
Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion.
In essence, the report calls for a new Bretton Woods-style system of managed international exchange rates, meaning central banks would be forced to intervene and either support or push down their currencies depending on how the rest of the world economy is behaving.
The proposals would also imply that surplus nations such as China and Germany should stimulate their economies further in order to cut their own imbalances, rather than, as in the present system, deficit nations such as the UK and US having to take the main burden of readjustment.
"Replacing the dollar with an artificial currency would solve some of the problems related to the potential of countries running large deficits and would help stability," said Detlef Kotte, one of the report's authors. "But you will also need a system of managed exchange rates. Countries should keep real exchange rates [adjusted for inflation] stable. Central banks would have to intervene and if not they would have to be told to do so by a multilateral institution such as the International Monetary Fund."
Here is a trailer for a documentary due out early next year. It is made by Jason Bermas. He works with Alex Jones and has made several films since associating with Alex. This by far looks the most impressive of all. It shows the system telling you the truth. It truly is an open conspiracy.......
Oh my how history repeats itself.........
Iconic imagery effect the subconscious in ways most don't understand. Women and mothers of the world show your strength through denying the shot and protecting yourself and all of our children.
Walgreens Swine Flu Propaganda (img)
2009 09 01
From: redicecreations.com
Photo from: myspace.com More at: walgreens.com More: Geraldine Doyle Rosie the Riveter |
Sometimes the news gives us little clues within the headlines, if we are smart enough to realize what it is saying. Here they are saying that Obama needs to generate the feeling of a medical crisis within the country in order to revive his push for "Obamacare". Anyone should realize that a decision made under duress is not only likely to be a bad decision but also illegal. Duress includes moral pressure according original meanings. This article is in fact admitting to the most often used ploy by politicians.
We can not subcomb to fear. When you give into fear you tend to give up control of your life in exchange for a sense of alleviation of those fears. Government constantly attempts to play the role of public protector. Those who run the government know these techniques, and unless their intentions are as pure as the angels in heaven (which they can never be, only those who dream of control and power make it to the top of politics) this technique will be used to coerce the public to the ends which they desire for us. As public servants they have only one opposition in life, the people. Only the people can take away their paychecks and positions of lofty power. That being the case it is us they need to coerce.
Obama May Need Sense of Crisis to Revive Health-Care Overhaul
By Julianna Goldman and Nicholas Johnston
Sept. 4 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama returns to Washington next week in search of one thing that can revive his health-care overhaul: a sense of crisis.
Facing polls showing a drop in his approval, diminished support from independents, factions within his Democratic Party and a united Republican opposition, Obama must recapture the sense of urgency that led to passage of the economic rescue package in February, analysts said.
“At the moment, except for the people without insurance, we’re not in a health-care crisis,” said Stephen Wayne, a professor of government at Georgetown University in Washington. “You do need a crisis to generate movement in Congress and to help build a consensus.”
Read the entire article
*note when reading this article ........ "there are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics"
Here is another example of the horrible ingredeints found in our vaccines. There are many things to know, and not want to know about this subject. The more you read, I gaurantee the more you will want to avoid any injections.
Again a link posted and found by Alan Watt of Cutting Through the Matrix
Vaccine Ingredients
A Glimpse into the Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants
By Edda West - Published in VRAN Newsletter - Winter 2005
Adjuvants are formulated compounds, which when combined with vaccine antigens intensify the body's immune response. They are used to elicit an early, high and long-lasting immune response. "The chemical nature of adjuvants, their mode of action and their reactions (side effect) are highly variable in terms of how they affect the immune system and how serious their adverse effects are due to the resultant hyperactivation of the immune system. While adjuvants enable the use of less *antigen to achieve the desired immune response and reduce vaccine production costs, with few exceptions, adjuvants are foreign to the body and cause adverse reactions", writes Australian scientist Viera Scheibner Ph.D, (1)
The most common adjuvant for human use is an aluminum salt called alum derived from aluminum hydroxide, or aluminum phosphate. A quick read of the scientific literature reveals that the neurotoxic effects of aluminum were recognized 100 years ago. Aluminum is a neurotoxicant and has been linked to Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders. Prior to 1980, kidney patients undergoing long term dialysis treatments often suffered dialysis encephalopathy syndrome, the result of acute intoxication by the use of an aluminium-containing dialysate. This is now avoided using modern techniques of water purification. In preterm infants, prolonged intravenous feeding with solutions containing aluminum is associated with impaired neurologic development. Scientists speculate that aluminum neurotoxicity may be related to cell damage via free radical production, impairment of glucose metabolism, and effects on nerve signal transduction. (2) Vaccines which contain both aluminum adjuvants and mercury based preservative, greatly magnify the neurotoxic effects. (3)
Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is a muscle disease first identified in 1993, and has been linked to vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants. Muscle pain is the most frequent symptom which can be localized to the limbs or be more diffuse. Other symptoms include joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, fever, and muscle tenderness. The disorder is associated with an altered immune system in some, but not all patients. A study published in the journal Brain (2001) revealed that 50 out of 50 patients had received vaccines against hepatitis B virus (86%), hepatitis A virus (19%) or tetanus toxoid (58%), 3-96 months (median 36 months) before biopsy. "We conclude that the MMF lesion is secondary to intramuscular injection of aluminium hydroxide-containing vaccines, shows both long-term persistence of aluminium hydroxide and an ongoing local immune reaction, and is detected in patients with systemic symptoms which appeared subsequently to vaccination", write the authors of the study. (4)
But aluminum's neurotoxicity is of less concern to the vaccine industry than the fact that it elicits a lesser antibody response to the so called purer recombinant or synthetic antigens used in modern day vaccines than in older style live or killed whole organism vaccines. "This has created a major need for improved and more powerful adjuvants for use in these vaccines." (5)
For decades, vaccine developers have been tinkering with various substances to trick the body into heightened immune responses. The most effective adjuvants are formulated with oils but have long been considered too reactive for use in humans. Immunologists have known for decades that a microscopic dose of even a few molecules of adjuvant injected into the body can cause disturbances in the immune system and have known since the1930's that oil based adjuvants are particularly dangerous, which is why their use has been restricted to experiments with animals.
The classic oil based adjuvant called Freund's Complete Adjuvant can cause permanent organ damage and irreversible disease - specifically autoimmune diseases. When scientists want to induce autoimmune disease in a lab animal, they inject it with Freund's Complete Adjuvant, which causes great suffering and is considered by some too inhumane to even inject into animals.
- In 1871-2, England, with 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 vaccinated against smallpox, it experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox. ( The Hadwen Documents)
- In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940 and by 1945 diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000. (Don't Get Stuck, Hannah Allen)
- In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus which causes cancer in animals as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had been injected with these vaccines. (Med Jnl of Australia 17/3/1973 p555)
- In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990)
- In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK)
- In the 1970's a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)
- In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists, that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 "Abstracts" )
- In 1978, a survey of 30 States in the US revealed that more than half of the children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (The People's Doctor, Dr R Mendelsohn)
- In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)
-The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine.
- In the USA, the cost of a single DPT shot had risen from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987. The manufacturers of the vaccine were putting aside $8 per shot to cover legal costs and damages they were paying out to parents of brain damaged children and children who died after vaccination. (The Vine, Issue 7, January 1994, Nambour, Qld)
- In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest attack rate had the highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest attack rate had the lowest vaccine coverage. (The Lancet, 21/9/91)
- In 1990, a UK survey involving 598 doctors revealed that over 50% of them refused to have the Hepatitis B vaccine despite belonging to the high risk group urged to be vaccinated. (British Med Jnl, 27/1/1990)
- In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article on measles which stated " Although more than 95% of school-aged children in the US are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated children." (JAMA, 21/11/90)
- In the USA, from July 1990 to November 1993, the US Food and Drug Administration counted a total of 54,072 adverse reactions following vaccination. The FDA admitted that this number represented only 10% of the real total, because most doctors were refusing to report vaccine injuries. In other words, adverse reactions for this period exceeded half a million! (National Vaccine Information Centre, March 2, 1994)
- In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.
- On November 2nd, 2000, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) announced that its members voted at their 57th annual meeting in St Louis to pass a resolution calling for an end to mandatory childhood vaccines. The resolution passed without a single "no" vote. (Report by Michael Devitt)
Indoctrination Of ‘Obama Youth’ In Schools Accelerates
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, September 4, 2009
Despite efforts to portray next week’s event as merely the President giving a speech to students, the full scope of what some education experts are decrying as part of an indoctrination program represents an advancement of the creepy, Orwellian, cult of personality-style worship of Obama and servitude to government being pushed in schools throughout America.
*Warning* As of late the news has been making the economic problems to be less dire then they really are. We need to realize that NOTHING has been fixed. The problems are in the bankers and the government collusion. Through our tax payer bailout we have allowed this to continue and delay the true effect. Most economic events take over a year to see the real consequences. Look into this. There is more money in derivatives than the total of the world's annual GDP. How can we allow our government to continue to save a system that is set up for only those who can afford to gamble in the millions of dollars? The people are not the problem!
The $531 Trillion Dollar Derivatives Time Bomb
Wise Up Journal / Sovereign Independent - Sept/Oct issue, page 12
By Gabriel O’Hara
What are derivatives? Some investors describe them as “dormant economic weapons of mass destruction”. They essentially are large leveraged bets on top of stocks, bonds and commodities. Money can be made within months or seconds by betting if a stock will go up, down or even remain the same. With no credit rating you can place a bet worth double your account balance. Big time investors get greater leverage with these instantaneous loans.
The New York Times, Oct 8th 2008: “The derivatives market is $531 trillion, up from $106 trillion in 2002″. This market is setup with odds similar to a racetrack. Trillions are won and lost (transferred) every second. But unlike a racetrack the big players have ultimate control. Their trillions can make stocks move. A 4% up swing in a stock can cause a derivative bet to rise more than 100% in value or vice versa. A low performing stock that rises only 6% a year could actually have many 3, 6 or 9 percent swings weekly or monthly (some stocks daily). There are billions to be made over and over again by the people that control billions and trillions thus the markets. A grand game approved by the top.
The globe’s GDP is at $60.1 trillion. The globe’s total financial assets were reported as $167 trillion in 2006. A few trillion lower today no doubt. The highly volatile derivatives market is worth noting because it dwarfs the entire world’s GDP and total financial assets combined.
The Coming Deposit Insurance Bailout
Another lesson that federal guarantees aren't free.
Wall Street JournalSEPTEMBER 1, 2009, 4:32 P.M. ET
Americans are about to re-learn that bank deposit insurance isn't free, even as Washington is doing its best to delay the coming bailout. The banking system and the federal fisc would both be better off in the long run if the political class owned up to the reality.
We're referring to the federal deposit insurance fund, which has been shrinking faster than reservoirs in the California drought. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. reported late last week that the fund that insures some $4.5 trillion in U.S. bank deposits fell to $10.4 billion at the end of June, as the list of failing banks continues to grow. The fund was $45.2 billion a year ago, when regulators told us all was well and there was no need to take precautions to shore up the fund.
The FDIC has since had to buttress the fund with a $5.6 billion special levy on top of the regular fees that banks already pay for the federal guarantee. This has further drained bank capital, even as regulators say the banking system desperately needs more capital. Everyone now assumes the FDIC will hit banks with yet another special insurance fee in anticipation of even more bank losses. The feds would rather execute this bizarre dodge of weakening the same banks they claim must get stronger rather than admit that they'll have to tap the taxpayers who are the ultimate deposit insurers.
It isn't as if regulators don't understand the problem. Earlier this year they quietly asked Congress to provide up to $500 billion in Treasury loans to repay depositors. The FDIC can draw up to $100 billion merely by asking, while the rest requires Treasury approval. The request was made on the political QT because, amid the uproar over TARP and bonuses, no one in Congress or the Obama Administration wanted to admit they'd need another bailout.
Read entire articleJohn Holdren is Pres. Obama's top science adviser. In today's world scientists are beginning to be the voice of reason to follow. So as the adviser to the president he will be directing the bureaucrats and money allocation in the sciences. Each day we give the scientists of the world more and more of a right to tell us how to live. Scientists start to see themselves as superior to most of the public. John Holdren's old ideas about population control and government demonstrates this quality. As these men gain a louder voice in how we all should live I believe you should know what this man co-authored back in 1977.The book is Ecoscience by John Holdren and his close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.
Don't let them tell you how you should live! How will they want to violate our bodies next?
In the future I will prove they are already doing many of these things.
examples: Floride, bisphenol a, etc.......
Page 837: Compulsory abortions would be legal
Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.
Page 786: Single mothers should have their babies taken away by the government; or they could be forced to have abortions
One way to carry out this disapproval might be to insist that all illegitimate babies be put up for adoption—especially those born to minors, who generally are not capable of caring properly for a child alone. If a single mother really wished to keep her baby, she might be obliged to go through adoption proceedings and demonstrate her ability to support and care for it. Adoption proceedings probably should remain more difficult for single people than for married couples, in recognition of the relative difficulty of raising children alone. It would even be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society.
Page 787-8: Mass sterilization of humans though drugs in the water supply is OK as long as it doesn't harm livestock
Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.
Page 786-7: The government could control women's reproduction by either sterilizing them or implanting mandatory long-term birth control
Involuntary fertility control
A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.
The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.
Page 838: The kind of people who cause "social deterioration" can be compelled to not have children
If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility—just as they can be required to exercise responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns—providing they are not denied equal protection.
Page 942-3: A "Planetary Regime" should control the global economy and dictate by force the number of children allowed to be born
Toward a Planetary Regime
Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime—sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist. Thus the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans. The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from DCs to LDCs, and including all food on the international market.
The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries' shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.
See more quotes at this website
Larry Flynt
The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called "economic royalists," who choose our elected officials -- indeed, our very form of government. Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the tune of their corporate masters. In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.
This was never more obvious than with the Wall Street bailout, whereby the very corporations that caused the collapse of our economy were rewarded with taxpayer dollars. So arrogant, so smug were they that, without a moment's hesitation, they took our money -- yours and mine -- to pay their executives multimillion-dollar bonuses, something they continue doing to this very day. They have no shame. They don't care what you and I think about them. Henry Kissinger refers to us as "useless eaters."
But, you say, we have elected a candidate of change. To which I respond: Do these words of President Obama sound like change?
"A culture of irresponsibility took root, from Wall Street to Washington to Main Street."
There it is. Right there. We are Main Street. We must, according to our president, share the blame. He went on to say: "And a regulatory regime basically crafted in the wake of a 20th-century economic crisis -- the Great Depression -- was overwhelmed by the speed, scope and sophistication of a 21st-century global economy."
This is nonsense.
The reason Wall Street was able to game the system the way it did -- knowing that they would become rich at the expense of the American people (oh, yes, they most certainly knew that) -- was because the financial elite had bribed our legislators to roll back the protections enacted after the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
Congress gutted the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial lending banks from investment banks, and passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which allowed for self-regulation with no oversight. The Securities and Exchange Commission subsequently revised its rules to allow for even less oversight -- and we've all seen how well that worked out. To date, no serious legislation has been offered by the Obama administration to correct these problems. Read entire article
This is why NO ONE should take this shot.
Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America
By Jo Macfarlane
Last updated at 11:05 PM on 15th August 2009
A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter.
The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins.
It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.
GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal.
The letter, sent to about 600 neurologists on July 29, is the first sign that there is concern at the highest levels that the vaccine itself could cause serious complications.
There is a fund in America used to protect pharmaceutical companies against litigation dealing with faulty or dangerous vaccines. They pay off people so they can not damage the "good" name of these companies. Due to this protection most people have no idea the negative effects of vaccines. A lot of vaccines have the danger of coming down with the same disease because of the use of live viruses in the vaccine. Here is an example:
Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutates
LONDON – Polio, the dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria. And health officials say in some cases, it's caused by the vaccine used to fight it.
In July, the World Health Organization issued a warning that this vaccine-spread virus might extend beyond Africa. So far, 124 Nigerian children have been paralyzed this year — about twice those afflicted in 2008.
The polio problem is just the latest challenge to global health authorities trying to convince wary citizens that vaccines can save them from dreaded disease. For years, myths have abounded about vaccines — that they were the Western world's plan to sterilize Africans or give them AIDS. The sad polio reality fuels misguided fears and underscores the challenges authorities face using a flawed vaccine.
Nigeria and most other poor nations use an oral polio vaccine because it's cheaper, easier, and protects entire communities.
But it is made from a live polio virus — albeit weakened — which carries a small risk of causing polio for every million or so doses given. In even rarer instances, the virus in the vaccine can mutate into a deadlier version that ignites new outbreaks. Read entire article
As the government considers mandating flu shots, do you know how the vaccines that are injected into your body are made? Will you let anyone tell you that you have to take this shot? What will the bureaucrats want to do to your body next? If they can mandate injections they can mandate even more intrusive actions next. Government never relinquishes power that is given to them. Government only finds ways to justify expansion of their power and payrolls.
Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents
Wednesday, August 05, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
To most people, vaccines sound medically harmless. "They're good for you!" say the doctors and drug companies, but they never really talk about what's in those vaccines. There's a good reason for that: If people knew what was really in those vaccines, they would never allow themselves to be injected with them.
Aside from the dangerous ingredients many people already know about (like squalene or thimerosal), one of the key ingredients used in flu vaccines (including the vaccines being prepared for the swine flu pandemic) is the diseased flesh of African Green Monkeys. This is revealed in U.S. patent No. 5911998 - Method of producing a virus vaccine from an African green monkey kidney cell line. (http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5...)
As this patent readily explains, ingredients used in the vaccine are derived from the kidneys of African Green Monkeys who are first infected with the virus, then allowed to fester the disease, and then are killed so that their diseased organs can be used make vaccine ingredients. This is done in a cruel, inhumane "flesh factory" environment where the monkeys are subjected to a process that includes "incubating said inoculated cell line to permit proliferation of said virus." Then: "harvesting the virus resulting from step (c); and... (ii) preparing a vaccine from the harvested virus." Read entire article
One in three nurses 'do not want swine flu vaccine' Read article

- Ryan
- You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
What man is a man who does not make the world better?
Defy The Matrix
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- -1984
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- -Animal Farm
- -Bertrand Russell's Books
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- -Cutting Throught the Matrix Vol. 1-3
- -Foundations: Their Power and Influence
- -Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World
- -Plato's writings
- -Political Ponerology
- -Propoganda
- -The Anglo American Establishment
- -The Coming Battle
- -The Republic
- -The Technological Society
- -Tragedy and Hope
- -United Nations Global Straight Jacket

The Editor in no way supports the views of most New Age beliefs that include things such as: an alien agenda past or present, reptilians, 2012 salvation/destruction, channeling, global warming/cooling........
*Note on the Occult: You may notice references to ideas within the realm of the occult. I do not support the practicing of occult meditations and magic, but there is a pure knowledge that is hidden within these philosophies. As with all higher knowledge, the higher you climb the more dangerous are the pitfalls. So please enter these truths with caution and only after acquiring an open mind and ample knowledge of the world.
The road of truth is littered with the bodies of those who have been enchanted by the sounds of the Siren's song.
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